Feb 25, 2008 18:24
1. last cigarette: Smoked one during Rocky Horror Picture show but only because thats what the character does.
2. last beverage: Propel lemonade. Dont ask.
3. last phone call: Steve
4. last text message: Steve (answer your fucking phone steve!!!)
5. last CD played: Phantom of the Opera
6: last BUBBLE bath: dont remember
list FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to -
1. my mom
2. My brother
3. Warren
4. Ava
5. Taylor
list THREE favorite colors -
1. Green
2. crimson
3. olive
list THREE things you want to do before you die -
1. kayak a lot
2. Go back to Italy
3. see Indiana Jones 4
This month have you…
Laughed until you cried: you betcha
Went behind your parents back: no
1. Your last kiss: I'm sure it was great
2. Gay Marriage: I am against all forms of marriage
3. Lowering the drinking age: alcohol and drugs should be legal to anyone so long as they aren't driving or stumbling around in public
4. Who are the best huggers that you know: What a retarded question. There are no bad huggers.
5. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yeah, sometimes I see a chick with really tight pants and I just follow them around like Foegle in Superbad
6. Is there something you want to tell someone: Yes, STEVE!! Pick up your phone!
7. What brand of shirt are you wearing: Its a FreeFM shirt I got for free at the OC fair. Its my favorite shirt.
8. Would you kiss any of your friends: yes
9. What is your current annoyance: Liberals, scientologists, and poor people
10. How many kids do you want to have: a bakers dozen (13)
11. Do you want to change your name: yes, to Dr. Batman
12. Last time you saw your father: yesterday, sunday
13. What did you do for your last birthday: I completely forgot.
14.What time did you wake up today: 11:45
15. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind with commentary from the director and Charlie Kaufman.
16. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: do improv with my team this wednesday evening
17. What is your favorite thing in your room: my loveline hat
18. Where is your best friend right now: Warren is in San Francisco
1. Is there someone on your nerves right now: my sociology teacher, shes a dunce if ever there was one
2. Do you like anyone: yes
4. Who are you missing currently: Warren
5. Who do you want to talk to right now: Julie
6. Do you get along with your parents: Yeah, they are great, I just wish they would give me some notice when they plan on coming over to my house though...
7. Do you like going to school: I love it to death
9. Are you a happy person: like nobody else i know