Jan 25, 2008 01:18
I can't believe how selfish you all are being... Heath Ledger dying isn't just some joke. I can't believe nobody is talking about this. You all know I was Heath's biggest fan. I don't see how you all can be so cavalier about his passing. I was his greatest fan. Sure there was the occasional movie missed. Sure I only owned one poster of him. Sure I only touched myslef to the thought of this glororious man on mondays (respectfully known around the house as Heath-days), but people!!! Let us not forget that this man was keeping alive my favorite genre of film... The Historical Romantic Comedy. Casanova and A Knights Tale were the entirety of the genre in the past decade. And with this in mind I am submitting my name to be in consideration for greatest and most powerful and knowledgeable historian of the life and times of Heath Ledger.
Some of you will say that I'm being glib about the whole situation. But let me state here that I hold this in the utmost sincerity. I will be launching a full on investigation, comprising of an 8 man investigation squad (including myself), millions of the tax payers dollars, and all of my willpower to find out the TRUE culprit of this heinouss murder. Thats right! It was murder (I suspect the sting rays). It would not be the first devilishly good looking Austrailian to succum to their deadly tails.
Let us remember that in his passing we loos a style of moviemaking, and in doing so we loose a piece of our selves, all of us, but most of all Kenneth.