To Russia with love

Jul 18, 2007 19:59

FINALLY it's worked out, I'm off to Sankt-Peterburg the day after tomorrow. If anyone wishes to receive a postcard from there, I can try, but it'll take at least three weeks before it'll reach you ... if it'll reach you at all. Easier way would be to send them from the Finnish border, like most Russian companies do, but what would be the fun in that?
Ah, Russia, you never know how anything's going to turn out! *g* It's going to be a very interesting vacation, I fear (and hope). ^^;;

Thus, drop me a line with your address today or tomorrow morning [tomracer (at) narod . ru and/or tom (at) lahtelainen . com since both of them seem to suffer from various blank moments at times... *sigh*]. I'll try to check my mail at some time after noon tomorrow, but there's a lot that still remains to be done. Oh well. *beams*
And, to get you more in the mood, check out a couple of videos from the Russian singer МакSим [MakSim] - I for some reason like her songs very much. Maybe you'll like 'em too? Here some YouTube links:
МакSим - Ветром стать Vetrom Stat' to become wind,
МакSим - Отпускаю Otpuskayu I let go,
МакSим - Знаешь Ли Ты Znaesh' li ty Do you know? (anime versiya)
And for more modern Russian music, check out ^^
Yes, I listen to Russkoe Radio way too much on my free time.

I'll miss the German GP though. Damn. All the best to H'eld and the others. And all the best to you darlings too! *hugs you tightly* At this time in two days I shall be sipping my Russian tea actually Russian! *bounce* Yippee-ki-yea! ^^
... and now back to packing ...
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