Not-so-secret Life of Pets: Harris

Apr 20, 2016 16:00

As you've met Foggy, now it's time for me to show off the funniest cat in the house. Also the fattest. She's a foodie (loves bread, but not local brand, and even enjoys mashed potatoes) and when she's not sleeping on the floor all the time, she just follows my mom around in search for a snack.

Officially, she's Harris de Greypaw (or Greypawpaw, I'm not quite sure which one it is). This name came from the Harris Hotel, where my sister was staying for an event back when Q was birthing the four kittens. Again, a gender neutral one because we can. We call her Ichi sometimes and also Gilik. 'Ichi' is a word derived from Indonesian cap peci because her fur is as black and as smooth as one. 'Gilik', on the other hand, is term in dialect that means 'stocky'. As a foodie, she really is gilik.

She's also pretty though. In this picture, she is doing her best Frida Kahlo impersonation with the wedding corsage that Foggy refused to wear.

Nobody at home can resist her big eyes. So when she starts looking at us in that way, we go, like, "Okay, Ichi, we'll give you some food."

Like I said, she likes to sleep on the floor. Indonesia's been really hot lately so she's always looking for a spot on the marble floor to cool herself off. She also likes to sleep where there is a breeze (either au naturel or air conditioned). Also, she just likes to trip people on their way to the kitchen as she lies in wait, waiting for someone to beg for food to.

And yes, she also loves the green armchair.

Oh and yes, she has her own face painted by Ubud painter lady on a canvas bag. (Apologies for the picture quality; it's highly filtered via Instagram because the original is blurry. We were in a hurry because Ichi wouldn't stay still.)

Ichi is definitely not as easy to photograph as Foggy, but whenever someone gets a chance to hold her, they can't resist to have their picture taken with her. Everyone just loves having their pic taken with a black cat apparently. So here's Ichi with the two ladies who always feed her (not me, because I just like to play and tease her but not feed her).

Next edition: Foggy and Ichi together.


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