The lucky bastards who went to New Zealand for The Hobbit set visit have now made their reports available. (Coincidentally, Empire Magazine's The Hobbit issue also goes on sale today in the UK. I'm probably not going to get it until a month from now. That's how things roll apparently in here.) So if you go to Google and search "The Hobbit set visit", you'd be getting a lot of links there.
I'm going to recommended's super comprehensive set visit report. (Their interviews aren't cut down so you'd get an almost exact quote from the interviews.)
Interview with Richard Taylor +
Interview with Richard Armitage+
Interview with Ian McKellen+
Interview with Martin Freeman+
Interview with Peter Jackson+
70 Things to Know About THE HOBBIT From Our Set Visit Too much for you?
Here's's set visit report. My favorite quote:
Q: Have you asked if you can keep Sting?
FREEMAN: No, I haven’t, actually. I’ve got my eye on a dressing gown that Bilbo wears. But no, not Sting.
♥ And that's really why he's Bilbo.