If there's one thing that Livejournal's instability is doing to me it's making me post something - anything - every day just so I can enjoy the act of blogging while I still can. Before the site becomes unavailable. Like this morning. Which pissed me off. *sigh*
Although, I may not have anything interesting to say except for the most random things. Therefore! Bullet points entry!
My favorite Glee WIP right now is Grace Under Pressure, Courage Under Fire. I am filled with... well, with utter glee reading this fic. Especially because it's probably the only Kurtofsky fic that does not have either Kurt or Karofsky in a hospital. Yet.
I'm on a Michael Thomas Ford reading binge. I reread Looking For It a couple of nights ago (twice already) and I've started Last Summer. But maybe I'll switch Last Summer with Changing Tides. I'm not sure why. I think it started because I missed Father Thomas Dunn and Mike Monaghan.
Another book that I'm thoroughly enjoying (when I can steal a moment to read in the office) is Mark Haddon's A Spot of Bother. I'm discovering that the movie, Une petite zone de turbulences, is indeed a faithful adaptation to the book.
Finished another m/m romance, Tamara Allen's The Only Gold. What a twist! Loved it.
I found out today that I've gotten so good at recognizing ISBNs (International Standard Book Number) to the point of knowing (before any website tells me) which country the books come from. /dorkism /dangers of working in a bookstore
I'm very much in love with the name Esca. Ever since discovering this Eagle of the Ninth character, I haven't been able to shake off the desire to name one of my future children Esca. I'm not even done reading the book yet, but Esca is just a really, really pretty name. ("Esca Barnes". How does that sound?)
I've been missing drinking Iced Half-and-half Misto at Starbucks. I haven't been going to Starbucks because my work has been particularly heavy since yesterday (and I've caught another cold, obviously). As much as I love the Chamomile Brew that has finally returned, I just really need my daily dose of Misto. Tomorrow I have a store visit to do in one of the branches. There will be Starbucks across the store. I am determined to drink the Misto. So, I hope my nose would stop being runny tonight and my throat would stop being sore. Please!
Well, that's not so random after all, isn't it?