Apr 11, 2011 21:33
Oh man, I'm terribly sick right now. I thought I'd be okay for the whole day if I just drink my medicine and keep working but my head's spinning and I'm seriously lethargic from the medication.
Also, I'm really hungry.
But that's not what I wanted to say by writing the entry. I just want to say that today I finished writing my Abridged Script for The Tourist and... oh my god. Seriously? Why is this movie even made?!
Wasn't this movie adapted from the French movie called Anthony Zimmer (starring Sophie Marceau and Yvan Attal)? As I recall, that movie is a proper adventure thriller. In fact, they were really big on the 'thriller' point that I ended up choosing not to watch it during the festival a few years ago. From what I know, though, Anthony Zimmer is certainly NOT a movie filled with gags and fake British accents like The Tourist is. I also may not be a fan of Sophie Marceau but after seeing Angelina Jolie in this movie, I feel like I should start worshipping Marceau instead. Crap.
You know, I thought people were exaggerating when they said how bad the movie was. But now I get why Ricky Gervais flamed the movie at the Globes. It's all kinds of atrocious! Especially the music. Oh my god, THE MUSIC. It's horror! I usually love music from James Newton Howard but the recurring score throughout the movie just annoyed the crap out of me. It sounds sappy, inappropriate and overdone. The score made the movie's story look like it's adapted from a Harlequin novel instead of a French film. (Naturally, I joked about it in the Abridged Script.)
The only redeeming factor of this movie is the fact that it has Raoul Bova in it. Not that he made much impact. He was only on for one minute and uttered a ridiculous line of flirtation to Jolie. This scene was then preceded by a choreographed dance scene that looked like something out of those high school movies that have school dances where everyone knows the moves so they can dance in sync flawlessly. In fact, Step Up 3 had this kind of scene. And I like Step Up 3 better because at least it's a dance movie.
Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest, or I'll be having nightmares again when I sleep tonight. With my illness, I really would like to avoid having a nightmare, if possible.
why so weird,
cinéma français