Student Power Survey

Mar 18, 2011 06:50

If you are currently being taught by Alleyne or would like to in the future, please fill out this form to the most extensive detail you can! It would help me help your experience better with possibly themed training posts in the future and other fun things~ Pretend like I don't know the character or canon at all and go wild!

Due to the way society and the world is in her canon, Alleyne is most comfortable and has mostly experience with women and children. She can and will teach anyone, but if you're looking for someone kid friendly or sympathetic towards women, you've come to the right place.

I'm going to accept those that use firearms for now as well, as barely into the future of her series' canon, the elves are the first with firearms and android technology, so I'm sure she's seen something like it around by now.

Note: Alleyne does not use magic so therefore she does not teach it. If you want to learn it, please find a character with actual magical aptitude to learn from. Thank you!

Name: (Wat ur name?)
Age: (How old are you? Don't make me card you!)
Weapons: (Any and all, be as detailed as you want.)
Further Combat Arts: (Anything like martial arts or stealth or anything you can think of.)
Armor Proficiencies: (Do they make use of it at all if so what kinds? Materials?)
Terrain Expertise: (Where do they fight best? Where do they fight worst?)
Limits: (What is Alleyne allowed to do? Can she injure you in training? What is she not allowed to do? She won't ever go so far as to kill or hurt too much, but do post any limits you have as a player or for your character here, I shan't be offended at all!)
Misc.: (Anything else Alleyne or I should know about?)

For your convenience, I'll fill it out for her as well.

Name: Alleyne
Age: In canon, Alleyne is over a thousand, but will not give out her exact age and only give hints to it, so don't expect a number in game from her anytime soon.
Weapons: Double-headed spear and bolas
Further Combat Arts: Summary here
Armor Proficiencies: None. Her clothes are made out of leaves and cloth to maximize maneuverability and dexterity.
Terrain Expertise: Specialized to forests. Was this obvious?
Limits: Alleyne sucks vs magic and such. She has no aptitude for it at all and tends to get roughed up most when fighting it. If you use it when training with her, she'll ask to keep it to a minimum.

Known to throw a fight if the price of victory is a comrade's life.
Misc.: hi2u

!survey, !paradisa

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