Oct 13, 2003 21:21
I'm currently stuck in Sickbay(yes, again!) thanks to Lieutenant Reed. He must work out a lot to swing like that! Even when B'Elanna swung at me half-conscious once, and she never hit me that hard.
As far as I can tell, my liver was damaged in the hit, leading to internal bleeding, but why I passed out I can't tell. Loss of blood? Dizzyness? Nausea? All three?
All I can tell is that even though Linnis and I were still at odds with each other personally, she saved my life by resusitating me.
Maybe she knows the Hippocratic Oath after all.
That and maybe she couldn't bare to see someone die, especially someone who almost looks and sounds exactly like him.
It's really messed up my perspective of how I see her.
I hate her for all the embarassment and stress she's caused me, but I feel grateful for her saving my life, even if it really suprised and shocked the hell out of me to wake up with her lips on mine, then my uniform stripped and body scanned in the five seconds I had woken up in.
Talk about being startled awake.
Do I hate her? Do I like her? I honestly can't tell how I see her at all right now...