(no subject)

Jan 26, 2009 21:29

Matthew tried td crawl in with us at 2:00am last night. It was my unpleasant daddy duty to have to tell him he has his own bed for a reason, and to pick him up and carry him back to his own bed, tuck him in and tell him we still loved him. I'm not sure he minded, he was semiconscious at best, but still I felt like a total heel. Later, around 5:00 or so he crawled back in with as, but that's late enough we let him stay, and he was asleep almost instantly.
After work today I met mom and Matthew at Big Y, where we all got haircuts. I actually needed one, mom thought she needed one, and we had to give Matthew one because he's been pulling and twisting his hair again. I wish I Knew why he does this.
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