Sadly, it would probably consist of something that is not good for me at all. I am on a Meijer Brand Captain Crunch spree at the moment, but I have a soft spot for Strawberry Mini Wheats. I am unsure which I like better, but I guess they might contain both of those kinds of flavors. I already am commissioned to create a cereal called Ninja-O's
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While he has a good chance of winning, I pray he doesn't get shot because that would start a complete chaotic riot all across America...mostly in the south.
There would be protests and bombs and police brutality and some unholy uprising, I'm sure. Not to mention how everyone involved in the senate and whatnot would be marked and dead men.
Trust me when I say those people who joke about having friends who could go into Afghanistan and find Bin Laden...They're not kidding.
Black people are looking for a reason to band together and get back at the "white man". Hopefully, if anyone is planning anything, they better think about that.
Ha. I'm sure we'd even be able to get the Mexicans to band with us...Civil War II anyone?
At the same time. Something completely radical like that might be the right thing to shake this country up out of it's stupefied sleep we've found ourselves in...There's so much ignorance and fear in the people, I think it's about time we all wake up from our century+ slumber.
We've been having problems in this country since Washington went out of office. He told us two things: Don't split up into different fractions and keep religion within the government. Both, obviously were ignored and look how we've turned out! :D
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