Time of Year challenge: Summer: 'Under Summer Stars: Kortirion

Sep 03, 2012 00:53

Title: Under Summer Stars
Author: Kortirion
Character: Boromir
Rating: G
Source: FotR
Disclaimer: Tolkien discovered it all, it all belongs to him.

Summer nights under the stars... had seemed a good idea at the time. Of course he should go, if there was a weapon that could bring Gondor aid… he was the one to wield it, or, at least, bring it back to Father.

Mayhap it was Faramir’s dream… but that’s what he was, a dreamer...

Beloved brother, how you can dream!

Boromir smiled, Faramir had always been curious about old tales and ‘what-ifs’. He’d been the practical one, and only tales of battle were worth the listening... still... under summer stars... he could almost hear faint wind-born voices singing their praises.

character: boromir, author: kortirion, challenge: time of year: summer

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