Title: A Needed Bath
Author: Mirkwoodmaiden1
Characters/ Pairing: Gilraen/ Estel
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The Tolkien Estates owns these characters.
Gilraen sat at her loom weaving a new hearth rug for Lord Elrond's study. The old one was getting a bit threadbare and it did not help that Estel accidentally spilled wine on it. He had been trying to catch a stray frog. She smiled, life in Imladris certainly had its share of small mishaps. They were named Estel. "Nana! Look what I brought you!" Gilraen looked up and saw Estel soaked and with mud splatters everywhere," He held out a beautiful river stone. She smiled, "Hannon le, Estel!" A sudden sneeze, "Into the bath, immediately! And use hot water!"