WE'RE STILL HERE by Elwen of the Hidden Valley - for the hot water prompt

May 19, 2020 12:27

Title: We're Still Here
Author:Elwen of the Hidden Valley
Characters: Sam Gamgee
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Book/Source: Fellowship of the Ring
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, anyone or anywhere. They all belong to JRR Tolkien


“Keep him warm and heat water,” he says. Then he leaves, just like Gandalf did in Mr Bilbo's old tales. If those riders come back, there's only Strider can use a sword proper. And where is Gandalf?

“Too much wood, Mr Merry!”

If fire's not the best way to say, 'We're still here. Come, have another go,' I don't know what is. I've kept aside some long sticks. At least Longshanks showed fire's as good as sword on Black Riders.

Did he blink? “Mr Frodo? Are you awake again? Does it still hurt? We've tea to warm you.”


author: elwen of the hidden valley, challenge: bathing: hot water, character: sam

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