Two About Eomer and Lotheriel

Dec 30, 2004 20:15

Did any of it happen like this? We haven’t a clue, but I find it very easy to imagine.

Title: Courtship
Author: annmarwalk
Characters: Eomer, Lotheriel
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, merely borrowed for 100 200 words.
Author’s Note: A HASA birthday drabble for Melina.


King he might be, he was still a young man in a strange city. Stone walls closed in on him; and everywhere, too many people, too much noise. He hungered for a moment of quiet, and a breath of air; a blessed glimpse of green to remind him of his home.

He found these things at last, in rooftop garden, high above the city, tucked behind a carved archway. He found also a young woman, dark haired with eyes of grey, hoping to catch a whiff of salt air, the scent of her home.

Shy at first, they sat and talked. He told her of a great sea of grass, and the thunder of hoofbeats in his blood. She spoke of the thousand colors of the ocean in all its moods. We are all children of the sea, she said, for do we not sleep in a bed of salt water in our mother’s womb, dreaming of this life? He wondered at that, but her voice was like music to him.

When they met again that evening, he took her hand, and did not let go. She wondered at that, but after a while, she entwined her fingers with his.

Title: Elfwine
Author: annmarwalk
Characters: Eomer
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, merely borrowed for 100 words.
Author's Note: For the tolkien_weekly "Birth" challenge.


“ ‘Tis a son!” our young king bellows, waking the hall with the exuberance of the cry.

He would not be hustled away to drink in solitude during the birth, no, not our king! He stayed through it all, wide-eyed, squeezing our lady’s hand; and caught the gasping, howling boy himself, to our chagrin and secret delight.

“A son, a son, a son!” Riders, farmers, farriers, and scullery maids gather laughing in the stableyard to wet the baby’s head. Our grey-eyed sea-queen dozes, smiling, while the king breaks out the mead; then dispatches our very fastest riders off to Ithilien.

author:annmarwalk, the lord of the rings (all media types), eomer, lothiriel

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