Oct 13, 2009 18:04
It always seems like so much has happened and then when you go back to actually take stock of things . . . nothing has happened.
The last time I tried to write an entry facebook caused it to be swallowed up. So the summary of that entry is that I went to TH for Homecoming weekend. I didn't go for homecoming but I did do the bonfire and the student film club's short film festival. Spent Saturday bugging a friend on his errands and then headed off to another friend's wedding in Plainfield area. I wore a dress ;-) purple and pink (if you can believe that). The ceremony was really short but the reception was fine. Danced a few dances and even danced with the groom twice. I miss those guys. Hung out Saturday night and watched House season opener. Lazy all day Sunday morning . . . until I wasn't. After lunch I headed off to T and the family and the kids soccer games. I was informed on how to play an educational video game by a 6 year old and subsequently tickled by said 6 year old. I had a great time. Then I visited another friend and his family with their three year old son. So cute. Then I fit in two more visits before I finally gave up and came home to go to bed.
Then in the middle was a weekend of work and a baby party. Baby party from what I could tell went off great . . . but I was more than a little tired. And then sick on Sunday (stupid migraines).
This past week I have a total of 8 hours of overtime because things were so messed up at work. But then finally friday came. And my birthday this year was as perfect as it could be considering the situation. J came up from Columbus. We did a lot of just being together . . . movies . . . talking . . . cuddling. Every time I see him I want to see him again . . . I honestly hope it keeps continuing for both of us this way. It was much too short. We went and looked at pretty cars and I personally had too many pictures of myself taken, but at least I am smiling in all of them (and it definitely isn't only because of the cars).
I am hoping this week continues to get better. The union contract was partially accepted (don't ask how 2/3 can say yes and the other 1/3 no), so there could still be a strike but only for the deodorant side of the plant. I am pulling a few crazy hours as in 4am to 4pm tomorrow and maybe a few more for the rest of the week due to coverage problems but I am trying to be positive about that . . . more money goes to paying more bills . . . and then to plane tickets :-)