Anime Detour in Bloominton, MN is this weekend and it seems like it's at the wrong time. :P We were hit hard with bills this month so it looks like I won't have much to spend. Goodbye manga and gashipan. -_-
The last 2 years I've been to Detour I've spent over $300 O_O! All that was for figures, manga, art auction, and artist Alley. That won't happen this year.
This year I plan to bring my Pullips. A weekend spent carrying my dolls around!! I'll feel like such a kid again! :P
Here's a pic of me at Anime Detour 2 years ago...
Here's my sister and I...
Shawn and I are working on a pattern that will look similar to the red dress in the picture. It's going ok but not fast enough to be done in time for the convention. I'll post pics when I have some.
I'm having a sale on my phone charms. Buy two get one free! Please click
here for what I have.