Thomas is doing better so I think he'll be going to school tomorrow. I was pretty nervous last week since he wasn't eating or drinking much. He's doing more of that now and seems to have gotten some energy back.
Jeremy had his bachelor party last night so Shawn went to that while Nadine and I went to my parents to pick up Thomas. When we got to my house we rented Bee Movie. The movie was pretty cute.
I bought over $50 worth of fabric Saturday. '>_< I went a little overboard I guess. I made some pajama bottoms for Raphia today. I hope to get good enough to sell some pullip clothes but I have allot more practicing before I can do that.
Sat morning I worked. I don't normally work on the weekends but they needed help doing a hall cleaning with bleach throughout the facility. The bleach got to me and when I got home 2 1/2 hrs later I got sick and took a nap. After that Shawn and I went to mason and I tried on my dress for the wedding. It looks nice and fits well. If only I could lose weight quicker. I'll just have to up my Nintendo Wii exercises. ^_^
Here's a couple of pics of the pajama bottoms. I think the width of the pants are a little too big.