vandal(ism) #2 live report

Jul 23, 2009 01:12

before i go into the report...


I totally SCREAMED out loud in my room when Shou sat down at the table next to Saga (because I'm a hopeless ShouxSaga fangirl like that) and then when SAGA PUT HIS HANDS ON SHOU'S SHOULDER AND WHISPERED INTO HIS EAR...........


my heart stopped beating. oh god. oh god. i love PS Company rofl i love how they keep putting all these SxS hints, it's driving me crazyyyyyyy.

AND OF COURSE I LOVE THIS SONG ♥ i love it much more than CROSS GAME and A beautiful name lol... Pon is really extremely energetic at his solo parts as usual hehe and SAGA!!!!! SAGA-SAMA!! soooo kakkoiii omg... esp at his solo screen time... argghghghhhh he makes the camera love him XD and was he sitting and strumming on a guitar at one part or am i just too cross-eyed?!!? O.o

Now onto the live report!

alice nine. tour 2009 『UNTITLED VANDAL(ism)#2』


I'm finally done with my school exams and essays so I'm writing this first thing =_= Kind of tired right now though, so this might be short.

Before the live started, I met up with the two lovely ladies mendoukuse and
fressia_33 :D they looked so pretty in their yukata's! i'm so glad we hung out!! thank you for keeping me company! also took pics with this UBER CUTE saga cosplayer (asdkfja;jl I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HER ♥ I KID YOU NOT) and another chibi tora cosplayer *squee* lol they are soooo adorable and the saga cosplayer was so friendly and kakkoii asdjflkjljklj8D

(i'm in the middle looking like a total retard.)


a9 came out and goddddd they were all so GORGEOUS!!!! i couldn't stop screaming at how PERFECT shou looked as usual. and of course i loooove RAINBOWS so it was a perfect start, got really high and just kept jumping during the "SORA E! *JUMP*" parts XDD

ughh shou's voice is so sexy here ♥ -dies- actually shou has been getting sexier and sexier since i last saw him in march's tour lol. love the guitars here. and pon of course does his sexy thang ahhahaha i think if he keeps up with his back arching it's gonna reach a right angle XD

this kind of came as a surprise right after a heavy song like www. haha but i loved doing the furi to this! XD fun fun fun and old school a9 stuff is always good.

Kiss twice,Kiss me deadly
TEH SEXY SONG. the namba hatch performance back in march was better though... there was just so much a9 energy. i mean, it was still great... but i guess i was kind of concentrating on the furitsuke LOL since i'm so forgetful...

SAGA DIDN'T LICK HIS BASS lol... you could tell everyone was like holding their breath and waiting for it to happen but he just kinda casually raised his bass a bit and walked away lol XD

銀の月 黒い星
I SCREAMED. and i swear i wasn't the only one. omg omg ohhh my goddddd i'm SO SO SOOOO HAPPY they played this. srsly... i thought i was going to cry. i mean, it's my last a9 live in japan so i definitely wanted to hear this one more time ;o; and it was just wonderful hearing it (i really like NHK hall actually, the seating plan is pretty good, i had a decent seat, and the accoustics were good) and doing the furi to it. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ♥♥♥

this was another surprise. i don't know if they played this in other venues for the #2 tour, but i wasn't expecting it. it definitely switched the mood to a more mellow one.

HANA!!!!!!!!!!! THE NEW SINGLE!!!!! well i knew they were going to play it so i was really excited. and when shou announced it, right after the performance of Koukan, i knew it was going to be a ballad/mellow song of sorts... and I.LOVE.IT. it's really difficult for me to get into a song the first time i hear it; i'm the type who usually needs to listen to a song several times before i decide how much i like it or if i like it at all XD (the only exception was probably Ruri no Ame lol). but listening to this live was just... wow. i don't know. i'm a huge sucker of those slightly mellow soft rock songs with an electronica edge to it (like Mugen or RAINBOWS)... and HANA had a really smexy opening stanza (with those airy female vocals lol) plus the chorus was pretty strong, so i really enjoyed it ♥ i feel so fortunate to have been able to listen to this ONCE before i leave... does anyone know who composed this?? i have a hunch it's Saga? 8D

OMGOMGOMGGG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. TOTALLY HEADBANGED EVEN THOUGH I WAS SICK. probably shouldn't have (i had been coughing my lungs out for 4 days before the live) but i couldn't help myself XDD;;; this has got to be my fav Pon composition lol

awesomeness as usual.. the heavy stuff is starting!

not my favourite song actually, and it's always kind of hard to do the furi to this lol

夢幻-electric eden-
omgggg sorry i'm STILL screaming, i still can't believe i heard Mugen live, i'm so so sooo happy...
i LOVE this song to DEATH, srsly.. the live version is definitely something else, with the instrumentals alot heavier and the echoes stronger... but i enjoyed it regardless... it's such an amazing amazing song ♥♥

the beautiful name


Cradle to [Alpha]
another nice surprise... i kind of liked it though, that the four of them played a piece without shou singing.... it's like just listening to the voices of the four of them.

ahhhh by this point i was just... SO HAPPY lol i can't stop repeating myself... i mean, i'm not surprised they played Velvet, but it's my last live like i said, so i definitely wanted memories of my fav songs.


Shou said "it's summer time, so here's a song that's right for summer - hanabi!" AND THE WHOLE CROWD SCREAMED lol.... omgg i love that boy. and DAMN I LOVE THIS SONG... it's got like my fav furi to it XDDD sooo much fun!!

aww it was lovely to hear this too... they didn't play this in the previous show, i believe. this is one of my favourite old a9 songs too. shou's voice sounded a little different though, kind of high-pitched...? like he intentionally strained it a notch higher lol.


Water fall
when the opening bars played, and shou started singing the very first line, i couldn't help myself... the tears were already welling up in my eyes and no matter how much i tried, i couldn't stop them. i love Waterfall, i love the melody and lyrics and i love shou's voice, and mostly i love Alice Nine... and it was just heartbreaking, especially when he sang the lines "say goodbye to you"... my god, my heart was just shattering and i couldn't stop crying T___T i mean, part of me was moved by shou's performance, but the other part was just... god, i was overcome with a bunch of emotions, and a flood of memories, of this year in japan, came rushing back to me. it dawned on me that my dream to study in japan had come true, but now it was over, and it was coming to an end, and this was my last time seeing Alice Nine live, and it was just really... saddening for me, personally.

of course, i could come back for holidays or sth in the future, but it won't be the same. i don't even know how to put this... how i've been wanting to come here (with determination) since 2003... how i looked out for every chance there was... and now it's all flown by so fast and coming to a close. ANYWAY~ it was a wonderful closing to the concert, and i am really happy that i went. it was one of the BEST SHOWS i've ever seen. really really awesome live. i'm proud of Alice Nine. they deserve more attention than they currently have! love them ♥

[extra notes]
- during MC, saga was really kakkoiiiiiiii gahhh i love his VOICE so smexy.. and he showed us his bass, which is an ESP Saga model!! *o* he was really proud of it lol... Shou was like "yeaa there's like Sugizo models and now finally there's a Saga model, isn't that cool" haha
- Nao mentioned he designed the tumbler + earphone charms and asked everyone to get it lol. Also, apparently some of his family members/relatives were there *_*
- Tora was his manly self. Yeeeaaaahhh tora you da maaan lol.
- Pon was more genki this time during his MC.
- There was a tiny bit of SagaxShou and ShouxPon service here and there, but nth that killed my brain lol... all happend too quickly.

okay, sorry this isn't much of a report XD;; but well, at least you got to know the setlist rofl.
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