Jun 20, 2010 13:53
I feel really relief after knowing my national assembly has not passed the bullet train project. Really, what would happen if they passed it, how many more money it would add up for the national debt, and in the end, to our descendants? At least, they still have some integrity, although the difference between the "yes" (157) votes with the "no" (170) ones is really small and I think it's my country's luck to have this favourable result. I don't know anyone who has said "no", still I want to deeply thank you to all of you for savings our country.
This year, world cup in south africa is so boring compare to those previous ones. Every match, there is at least one team playing very very very and very reserved with so many players defending and no remarkable attach waves. And it's the first world cup where so many goal are made by mistakes, mistakes from the goalkeeper, then from the player who pass the ball to the goalkeeper and so on. Really, it's also the first world cup when there are so many tie matches, 0-0 or 1-1. Teams with stars and long history and tradition play really bad ( England, then Spain then Netherland and so on). So boring ~ ~
Having semantics exam yesterday. Another not- do - well exam. Sit near huong and before Vanh.
Next week I must contact Ms. Tam, my instuctor to ask about our training in this summer. Everyone in my class says we are lucky to have her instruct, she is a very understanding teacher and we also feel the same.
One more year and I will graduate, time flies too fast and until now, I always feel lucky to be in BBE class, although at first it was one of my safe and last resource choice. To know all of you, I really am delighted.