Wildman Takuya Part 9

Apr 08, 2016 23:00

Title: Wildman Takuya
Pairing/Group: TakuGoro
Rating: PG-13 [this chapter]
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Summary: The basic story of Tarzan but with Smap.

Note: This whole section in the original book was hilariously racist and a product of its time. I tried to keep the spirit of the original writing but make it less laughably offensive to our day and age.

The pain in the side of his head woke him up. Feeling like he was being carried he woozily looked around for his friends. Blinking the pain away it hit him, these people were not his friends. The dark skin tipped him off. Panicking he looked around. Tied up and naked, being carried in a shield. His heart stopped when he noticed the human skull decorating one of the men's spears. They all has bones decorating them. Human bones.He opened his mouth to scream when a dark fist collided with his jaw. Then again in the temple.

Takuya slid through the trees at lighting speed. He had dealt with the other people before. The natives. He did not like them except for the weapons he made and stole. He had stolen and terrorized their camp so often then left offerings to please him like some sort of forest spirit. While he appreciated this arrangement, he could not let them have Nakai. Knowing what they did to men not like them.

Swinging from vine to vine, flipping through the trees. Moving faster than even he remembers moving. Brief moments where his lithe body was just an outline against the bright blue sky as his momentum carried him across huge gaps between trees. Animals fled his path. Knowing that the strongest warrior of the jungle was coming and he would kill anyone in his way. At this speed he would catch up soon. Hunt and stalk everyone of those men till he could save his friend. They would not get to feast on flesh today.

Searing pain across his face. Slowly he awoke. Jolting awake as pain shot through his left cheek. Punch to the stomach, kick to the shins. Ropes burning through his wrists. His left eye already swollen over, the right wide and scared at the sights around him. A huge fire burning in front of him. The heat from it on the edge of pleasant and painful. Naked he was tied up to a pole, people walking by and hitting him. Happy laughter at his wincing from the pain. Pulling and struggling against the ropes in a full on panic. These people were going to eat him! Cannibals! Roast him alive! Crying out at the kick to his ribs to shut him up and end his struggles. Pain and cold despair settled into his body. Whispering to himself, one good eye starting to well up with tears "I'm going to die..."

The village was situated in a made made clearing by the river. The trees around it were tall and branches strong. Fanned out above huge swathes of the village. The oval of huts built around the large fire pit had people scurrying in and out preparing for the celebration. Takuya was perched in his usual hiding spot. High in the trees at one end of the village, the shine to his jungle spirit persona laid out under him. The shrine itself simple but covered in food and the arrows which he came to steal from them. Crude candles burning on the simple stone altar. Nakai was on the direct opposite side of the village. Beaten and tied to the pole he looked passed out. All of his things gone. Various villagers had gleefully stripped him and were wearing them themselves. His eyes scanned the village for Mbonga, the leader.

He had seen Mbonga and his hunting parts bring in large beasts and men before. The first time Takuya had seen a white man he had been tied up to that same post. This village was the reason he had never spoken or had human interaction. They had killed any civilized man they stumbled upon. They were savage and Takuya barely considered them men. Mbonga's son had murdered the ape Takuya had known as his mother. The tender animal that had taken care of him as her own for 25 years. Sheltering him from the cold, the heat, the wind and the rain. When the other apes had tried to kill him she viciously protected him. Tending to his wounds from the other animals. She had been his savior. He would have died many, many times if not for her.

The body of Mbonga's son had hung at the village mouth for hours before he was found.

Prowling through the trees he needed to plan. There was far too many people for a head on attack. The end of the village Nakai was on was the part open to the nearby river, not enough cover. The natives were getting riled. Yelling, and singing and drums played as the sun was setting. Finally Mbonga appeared. Over six feet tall, broad shouldered man draped in furs walked up to the pole where Nakai was limp. He was a fine, proud warrior. Face to face he would have given the much smaller Takuya a difficult challenge. Standing before the prisoner he chanted and roared riling up the village. The drums and voices deafening. The fire light dancing off Mbonga's dark face. His white teeth practically glowing making him look like a dark specter of death. Finally as they reached a fever pitch he pulled Nakai off the pole and threw him over his shoulder. Nakai was kicking and screaming trying to get loose but that one armed grip was like steel. Walking across the village towards Takuya's hiding place, the villagers followed hooting and hollering. Stopping under Takuya's hiding spot and dropping Nakai on the altar. He turned to speak to his people again.

This was it. The end. His eyes were squeezed shut. there was no way he was going to let them see his tears of frustration and anguish. Nakai could hear the man speaking, the unsheathing of a knife and the crowd cheering. The soft swish of furs and he turned and raise the knife was deafening to him. His heart jack hammering in his chest so hard it was almost painful. Bracing for death he heard a sharp snap and the woosh of the furs. But no pain came. Villagers screamed the pounding of feet was thundering in his ears. Upon opening his eyes he saw the body of Mbonga hanging above him. Neck snapped. Screaming at the top of his lungs trying to scramble off the altar still tied up, he just fell and hit the ground. A man running up to him waving his hands, Nakai tried to back away but he was grabbed and shook. "NAKAI STOP" his brain finally registered that it was Takuya shaking him. He was safe. He was saved. He passed out.

fan fics, smap, takugoro

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