Years Part 2: Sakura

Apr 08, 2016 22:51

Title: Sakura
Pairing/Group: ShinGoro
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Shingo is a confused on where he stands and they have their first real date

Shingo sat across the green room at the table eating his lunch. Lost in thought staring at the man he had longed for for years. Finally he had him! Or did he? It had been two months since he accidentally revealed his feelings and 3 weeks since the strange lusty hookup in that storage room. Chewing thoughtfully on his food as watched the other man talk on his phone.

Goro had been much more physically close and attentive to him since. The man had even dragged him off for stolen kisses and intimate moments. But that's it. He had no clue where they stood. Were they dating? Was this just a sex thing? Shingo had no clue. They hadn't gone anywhere or done anything. They hadn't been to one another's houses or even out together since the dressing room incident. This other man was a mystery.

Shaking his head and getting up. He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked back to his dressing room. He didn't feel like socializing. Upon opening the door he noticed a nice folded note on the table. Scooping it up off the table he read the neat handwriting.

Sorry we haven't been able to spend much time alone together. We have both been very busy. I didn’t want to bother you but I managed to find some time for the both of us (your manager is very annoyed at me for how much I was bugging him for your schedule) Please come with me to view the cherry blossoms. Yes I know how lame that sounds. But I do it every year and thought a nice picnic might be fun? I understand if you don't want to come on such a silly date. Let me know if we need to make other plans.


The address, date and time was scribbled at the bottom of the note. Shingo smiled and added the info to his phone calendar. That man was an idiot.

Goro stood nervously waiting at the gate of the orchard. This was an exclusive charity event he normally did every year. Tickets were very limited and very expensive. They normally held one for him and the coordinator was flabbergasted when he asked for a second. Shingo hadn’t been able to actually confirm if he could go or not so Goro was leaning against the large brick wall. Waiting. A large basket was sitting at his feet with a blanket neatly folded on top. He was quite nervous. Looking up at the branches covered in pale pink that hung over the wall he was starting to regret his decision. Sighing and hanging his head, suddenly finding his shoes really interesting. He knew Shingo would have preferred something a bit more exciting.

“Goro~!” head whipping up he saw the big man jogging towards him. Heavy boots clomping in the gravel. Shingo shoved his sunglasses up on top of his head as he came close. “Sorry I'm late. This place is way out here. I got a bit lost” Goro was trying hard to keep his cool but his smile gave him away. “It's alright. Let's go” the other man beat him to scooping up the basket. “I was late. I'll carry it” Shingo tucked it close to his chest holding it with both arms as they walked through the gate. “Jesus. What is in here?” looking at the ground a little ashamed as they walked. “I might have gone a bit overboard with the food. I know you eat a lot sometimes” out of the corner of his eye he say hand and sweatshirt sleeve start making its way into the basket. Fast as lightning he swatted the top of the basket on Shingo's naughty fingers. “No! It's a surprise!” fingers out of the basket and now being sucked on by a big mock pouty face. Anguish settled in on the older man's face. “Ah! Sorry Shingo! I didn't mean…” he turned quickly, pointing at his usual spot. “This is where I usually sit.

Shingo took in the large older tree by the river that ran through the orchard. It's branches long and heavy with flowers. A large mass of pale pink against the bright blue sky. It took his breath away. “I can see why you pick this spot…” he trailed off. He felt the blanket being tugged off the top of the basket and was kicked out of his stupor. Goro flicked a huge pale grey blanket out under the tree. “Hey I haven't seen anyone around. I thought this was a charity event?” Shingo set the basket on the blanket as the other man fussed with the edges. “This place is many many acres and they divide it out into large sections for privacy. People arrive as they want throughout the day, so you rarely see anyone. It's very relaxing”

Stretching his arms up he turned “Hey Shingo…” lips covering his and a strong arm looped around he waist. He was pulled against that strong chest, arms naturally circling that neck. Feeling a few cherry blossoms hit his face as they parted. Greeted with Shingo's sweet smile, hand tucking his bangs behind his ears and “Let's eat. I'm starving” just dropping him and flopping down on the blanket to investigate the basket.

Shingo opened the basket and gasped “Did you make all of this?” the basket was chock full of traditional treats. Lots of grilled meat, rice balls, sweet treats, wine and even a few beers. “How many people were you planning on feeding?” settling in on the blanket next to him. “Just us.” reaching in he pulled out a skewer covered in chicken and just munched happily.

They spent a few hours just talking and laughing. All the food unpacked and scattered across the blanket. Most of it actually eaten. The bottle of wine opened and a few beers popped. Both of them happy and very relaxed. More relaxed than either of them had been in ages. For this first time since they arrived one of them pulled out their phone. Shingo grimaced at the amount of random message he had. None were important so he went for his real aim. The camera. He wandered off just a bit to try and capture just a bit of the wonderment of this place. He got a few nice shots but it wasn't till he turned to see the amazing one he had to capture.

The huge pink tree framed against a perfectly clear blue sky. Not a cloud in sight. The green grass under it only broken by the blanket and the man asleep on it. The afternoon sun shining perfectly through the scene. That was his moment. Walking back and just admiring the vibrant color he had caught on his screen. “Goro you should see this.” all he got was soft breathing in response. The man was genuinely fast asleep under the tree. Slowly and quietly he got on his knees next to him. That soft angelic face, mouth a little slack. A few blossoms had fallen on his face. Light from between the branches speckled across his face. Shingo's heart skipped a beat. It was moments like this that he really remembered why he first fell for the man.

Goro woke up groaning a bit. “Shingo what are you doing” The big man leaned over and made his famous creepy faced smile “Watching you sleep~” he jumped and shoved his hand in Shingo’s face to push him away. Laughing he grabbed that pale wrist and just slowly pulled the panicking Goro closer. “I thought you liked my smile~” “Not that one! Shingo!” he was overpowered by the stronger man and pulled closer and closer to that creepy face. But it melted into a sweet smile and kissed him. Shingo had pulled him all the way into his lap at this point. “ You know we have to be back soon but we have a little bit of time~” he cooed kissing his prisoner's neck. “Let's have some fun~” he growled pinning the other man to the blanket.

Far away another man's eyes were drawn to the scene. Walking back from his own spot he had stopped when he noticed the two men openly necking under the tree. Normally he wouldn't have cared about it at all but even from that great distance he recognized who they were. Feelings of dread and great happiness welled up in his chest.

“Takuya come on, you are going to be late back to work”
“I'm coming. I'm coming” he turned away from his friends and followed his family back towards the gate.

fan fics, smap, shingoro

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