Reference Entry Part 2

Nov 01, 2013 14:53

Hello everyone. Today I'm going to post a few pointers about socializing online. While I've wanted this post to be a reference for myself, I'm sure that others would find this post helpful as well.

1) Meeting/Adding New Friends - Dreamwidth, Livejournal, Plurk, Tumblr and Twitter is not Facebook (though with Tumblr, it's a bit more public and there are several communities you'll love to add but I'll get on that in a few). It's okay to be selective. It's your blog/journal and/or Twitter/Plurk and one can make one or more accounts for fandom squee. If you want to feel comfortable sharing things to friends, whom you have common interests, or if your lucky, met personally, then it's perfectly fine. Part of being online is feeling comfortable in your comfort zone on who's reading your stuff. Also, it's a hassle when your friendslist gets large and you don't know who X person or Y person are. Part of the social networking experience is "socializing", so if X person doesn't reply to Y person or vice versa, then how is X going to know who Y is? Social Networking sites is a tool of expression and by all means, not a popularity contest.

2) Problem Solving - If you have a problem with X person or Y person, don't publicly call them out. Don't make anonymous hate memes. Keep in mind: we're not just block of text on a screen. Behind the screen, we're real people who has their good days and bad days like everyone else. If you are concerned or having a problem with someone, the best thing is to email or directly message them privately. We also have messengers like Skype, AIM or MSN (I recommend Trillian), if you want to talk to someone. Sometimes the truth will hurt, but in the end, there will be new people to meet and fill the void. You can also use it as a strength to improve on yourself as a person. Sometimes it may not hurt and the truth is pretty understandable. Who knows? When spring turns into winter and once we improve on ourselves and join in more fandoms/communities, you'll meet X and Y again. Once you know who your real friends are and meet the right people, Social Networking is actually a fun experience.

3) Communities - The communities that Livejournal, Dreamwidth and Tumblr are great. Tumblr in particular has a lot of amazing gif and fyeah communities to join. However, not all communities are created equal and if a community bothers you, you can always unfollow.

4) Fandoms - Tumblr, Twitter, Plurk, Livejournal and Dreamwidth has changed the face of fandom and fandom indulgence/discussion (mainly tumblr, since you can reply with the "Ask Page", reblog a text post/reply-&-tag the person whom you're replying, or the tiny little speech bubble). Just try not to sink in too much. However, there is a good niche in fandoms that are actually good. You just got to follow the good ones, I say.

5) Design - Wanna make your layout look good or do you need certain browser tools for your blog/site/etc.? I've made a post here.

6) Words of Advice - Have fun! Don't get sucked into community/fandom drama (*I am guilty of this, sadly*). Also, this is the world wide web and I've said this once, but I feel it needs to be said again: we are real people behind the screen and not just blocks of text. We have feelings. We have our good and bad days like everyone else.

I hope this post is helpful and if anything, feel free to contribute in the comments.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to add me over on dreamwidth if you have a dreamwidth or Open-ID account.

resources, references, !public

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