Buddy's not my buddy....

Jul 01, 2005 19:11

Today I worked from 7:30 until 4. I had a lunch break at 12:30 and came back at 1. Everything was hunky-dory. We started afternoon letout around 2 or so. I stood outside while Kelly ran dogs in and out. Ali and Kristen stayed inside and finished feeding the other dogs.

We are only allowed to take out 5 dogs at a time now. We used to just take all the dogs out (the ones that weren't aggressive anyway) at the same time, according to size. So, we had the big dogs, the little dogs, and then the dogs that had to go out alone. Apparently yesterday there were so many dogs outside that when the poodle (Zuzu) had a seizure, no one noticed. When someone finally did notice, it took forever to get to Zuzu because there were so many dogs. She was acting fine today. I only knew about it because Jill told me the story so I knew why only 5 dogs at a time.

Around 3:45 or so we started taking out small dogs from side 4. Well, they are all crammed into crates because we're saving the kennels for the big dogs that come in for the weekend (we're almost full already). We go over and get a few small dogs. I grabbed Ducchess (little dog you imagine in a purse) and leaned down to get Buddy (small white dog). He started growling so I left him there and just took Ducchess out. When I brought her back in I figured Buddy would be okay after the other dog was gone.

I opened his crate he was in and tried to slip the lead over his head after a few minutes of patting the floor trying to get him to walk out by himself. He lunged at my hand. I back off and think Okay, so he doesn't like being cornered. So I try to pull him out by pulling out his bed, but he jumps off real fast...still in his crate. dang dog. I take the crate and tip it on its end so he falls out. He held on! He was like a cartoon when they're about to get eaten by an alligator, with their feet on his mouth! He finally dropped to the floor (about two inches) and ran to another kennel. I follow him and try to slip the lead over his head again (this time I made the lead bigger so my hand wasn't near him). CHOMP....GRRRRRR.......~TEETH SHOWING~... He lunged at me again! Maybe I can just walk him to the door. He doesn't follow me for anything, much less answer to his name. He puts himself in another dog's crate and smells around, walks out a few minutes later, sees his crate door open and runs inside.

I put his bed back in there and shut the door. I saw the life of my hand flash before my fingers 3 times now...there was no way I was going to push him anymore. I grab the marker and highliter and write "Aggressive--WILL BITE" on his id card and highlite it. By this time it was 4 and time for me to go home. I go up front to warn the others about Buddy for evening letout. Kevin says, "Oh yeah. I was going to wait until he'd calmed down to do anything with him..." Thanks for not telling me he would EAT ME, Kevin! Oh well. I still have all my fingers, and that's all that matters right now.

work, grrrrr

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