Dec 06, 2010 11:52
I don't feel very well right now and it is not making me too anxious to go to work. My shoulder hurts, I keep sneezing..I swear if I am getting sick I am going to be so angry. I have to work 40 hours for the next three weeks and this is my chance to make some good money so I can maybe get ahead on my bills before they start cutting hours again. I can't afford to get sick.
Thunder is sick. It..really doesn't look good. I should have known the first snow we would have would be enough to make him sick. I really don't know if he is going to last through this winter..the way he looks right now he might not last through this week. He doesn't even want to go outside.
I just feel kind of meh overall today. I think I know why and hopefully tomorrow will be better..but I have to get through today first. I'll probably go take some pain meds to get rid of at least the pain in my shoulder..though I know that is just going to make me really lethargic at work. It always does. It's going to be a long eight hours.
I attempted to get some Christmas shopping done yesterday but couldn't find one of the things I went looking for. Best Buy really sucks right now. They have gotten rid of most of their CDs and DVDs. The store is like..all gaming and computer stuff. Which is nice means I'm going to have to start buying my anime elsewhere.
I've been trying to catch up on Hitman Reborn. I also saw the first five episodes of "One Outs", "Earl and Fairy", and "Black Butler". At first I was anime. But then once i started watching it I was actually fairly drawn into it. (hint hint: Kakyou..more One outs please XD) Earl and Fairy seems interesting too. I have all of Black Butler but I haven't quite figured out what the big draw to it is yet.
Note to Kakyou: You probably don't have to burn me any more Naruto..I have a feeling the DVDs will catch up to me before I ever catch up to what you have already burned me XD
I guess thats about it. I need to get dressed and ready for work...meh. I just had my day off yesterday but I am really ready for another one already. This holiday season is wearing me out.