looks like AX made my condition worse. STILL I REGRET NOTHING.

Jul 05, 2010 22:27

I was gonna have a piano lesson this morning, but as usual I complained. Though I had every right to - I haven't practiced for most of the week, I didn't get any of my 'assignments' done, plus I still felt sick. The still-sick part was a tiny lie, since I was actually feeling okay. But Dad checked my throat. ~*LO AND BEHOLD*~ my tonsils were swollen and red with white spots.

So Mom took me straight to Urgent Care out on Sunset Blvd (Regular Care was closed for Independence Day holiday). This new doctor was brilliant and answered all of our questions, finally




Pfft not stuck in a hospital with IV's up my arms, but I'm on amoxicillin and prednisone for at least a week. I feel like House now.

This guy did the strep test and everything, though it kinda fucking hurt. After the test he was all, "we'll need to give you steroids" and my mom went "um does she have to" but I was like "FUCK YES"

also welcome ryouga_elliot aka bamf!Simon to my crazy/often incoherent/either-complaining-or-squeeing journal. I was the Erika with the sign at the AX gathering if you saw me ♥

oh yeah also I got to do a breathing test and it made me all jittery and yeah

still jittery

I want pie

i hate being sick, sick, meet&greet, i was right- yippee?, derp, i feel better honest, welcome, i regret nothing, being stupid was so worth it, complainer juliet is a complainer, anime expo, poppin' pills like a mother, still sick fml

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