Feb 15, 2006 14:05
I was driving this afternoon to rehersal, and there was a radio show on certain news events going on throughout the world and I was wondering why people just don't come out and ask what they want to know. Especially at press conferences for government officials. I personally think that selected people in all branches of the Gov should have a panel where normal everyday people go and ask questions for a few hours. I would love to just go an ask questions I don't really hear people asking these days. Questions like "mr president, why do you go on so many vacations" Or why isn't there a police officer at the gas station at the bottom of the coolidge bridge to fine those fuckers who take left turns at the no left turn sign and cause traffic to back up.
there are so many other relevant questions too about why is gas going up and why do so many countries hate us and what are we going to do to remedy it? I mean is it fair to be asking all these questions? should we not question our superiors for actions we find questionable. to my understanding that's the point of the freedoms we have to ask these questions and to get honest ( or at least a response) to what we want to know. maybe I just have way too much on my mind and I can't think straight (clearly) I wish someone would just straight out and ask questions no one wants to hear and put someone in a position where they have to answer it instead of skirting around the question or feigning dumbness. I'm not a very political person per say, but it's becoming increasingly annoying to keep asking myself all these questions and not getting any of the answers that I want or what other people want.