
Jan 11, 2011 12:28

So I started my period last night.
It was kinda weird because, instead of everything hitting me really fast like it usually does, each stage of pain seemed to drag on for three times as long. So instead of taking medicine and being all better in half an hour, I took medicine and three hours later I was still hovering over the toilet trying to get sick.

My dog was nice though. Kept sniffing around and then pawing at my parents door. Eventually they came out and I got the heating pad and finally went to sleep. Phew... I still feel gross this morning though. And I don't want to walk around since that seems to make my stomach hurt again. Thank goodness I don't have to work today...

Speaking of work...
So I accepted the job expecting to get hours and such and for the first week I did. Now I'm down to 8 if I'm lucky. I was only supposed to work 4 hours this week, but Marla called me in yesterday at 9.30. So now all these bills I have to pay and such don't seem so feasible anymore. And on top of that I thought I would be making enough money to not feel so dirt poor all the time. I could buy a cup of coffee and not worry about how much it was setting me back.

And I had been working 20 hrs. a week, which made me think I could start saving up for maybe getting a used car or something. Now I have to save up just to pay this loan debt I have... which I'm already three months late on... need to pay that... that'll be my entire paycheck... :(

In other news, my bank fucking sucks. I went online and it said I had 100 in there. So I took out twenty and looked at my receipt and it said I had no money. So I overdrafted and that's an immediate $30 charge. No matter how much you go over. 1 penny or $100, that's a $30 dollar charge. So fuck. And that was my second time. So now I owe them $60 for overdrafting twice, which I think is fucking ridiculous. Especially since my over draft goes straight to my credit card. But whatever.

And Andy had to spend another weekend drunk and high to figure out, again, for the third fucking time, that I'm not going to reciprocate his feelings. I wish he would just stop lying and saying that he is when he isn't. It doesn't make me feel awkward or uncomfortable like he thinks it does. I view it as his problem and not mine. But whatever.

Now Chris won't leave me alone about this maid thing and I feel he's taking it mroe seriously than I do. I thought he just wanted a stupid costume for him and his girlfriend to enjoy and I was his cover for going out and buying stupid things like stockigns and heels and wigs and makeup. Now he's talking about me being some sort of weird dominatrix and inviting me to this place he is house sitting. And I really don't want to.

And mom and dad dropped a big fucking bomb. My aunt Lori has a sister named Tanya who has been on and off drugs for a long time and recently her health has dropped and she won't be around much longer. But she has a daughter named Catina who is probably around 1yr old. Once Tanya dies, Catina is pretty much homeless since she can't stay with her father (he is on a certain "list" that forbids him from being around younger children). I didn't know that Mom and Dad had been asked if they would adopt Catina when Tanya passes. And they just told me a few days ago that they decided not to, but that they'd been thinking about it for around 2 months. What the hell? What the hell? Oh my god.  My heart stopped. I thought they said they were going to and I probably would have fainted right out of my chair. I feel like... that's kinda something you bring up to the family. Ultimately, it's their decision, but maybe let the people know there's a chance that there will be another baby around the house. Geezus Khryst!

That's pretty much a sum up of my life right now I guess. Gotta find a new job.

andy, period, work, sunny, money, adoption, chris

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