Ghosts in the house and work

Dec 15, 2010 17:34

So the last few days there have been a lot of strange goings-ons.
I've posted about it before, that all of the family feels there's something a little extra in our house, something along the lines of a spirit, but lately whatever it is has been acting up a lot.

First time was in the kitchen. I had two pots on the stove and was heating up something for lunch and I had a ladle balanced on the handle of the pot and a spoon balanced on the other pot. They were both completely stable, sitting there for a while, and I hadn't nudged the stove or anything, but suddenly the ladle fell onto the stove. I went to go fix the ladle and the spoon fell onto the stove. I fixed the ladle and I fixed the spoon and they stayed fine for the rest of the time.

Then the second time was right after we put the christmas tree up. The ornaments had been hung up hours ago and it was in the middle of the night. I was playing a video game with Andy and we were both sitting on the chairs playing. I heard the tree rustle and then a thump and I turned expecting to see a cat or something on my chair, but they were both sitting on the couch staring at me like, "what was that?" and my dog was with them. So it wasn't like they jumped through it or something. I turned on the light and found the ornament, a big Corning's Museum of Glass ornament, and put it back. The thing was, the entire tree had shook. When I was hanging it up, I could still see the branches shifting from it. So it wasn't like the one ornament just fell or something, the tree actually shook.

The third time was in the morning. I had taken some coffee, stirred it, and put the spoon on the sink like I always do where the bowl of the spoon is on the counter and the handle of the spoon is aligned on the sink. I went upstairs took a shower and went outside and shoveled the deck and came back in and the spoon was still sitting there. I went to go make something for breakfast and while I was waiting for an egg to cook, the spoon handle just shifted to the side. I was the only one in the house, a car didn't go by the house, it just moved.

It's all kind of fascinating and creepy, because these instances only seem to happen when I'm in the room and in the beginning I used to feel like I was being closely watched in my room all the time. So strange...

Anyway, I got hired back at the Factory Card Outlet a while ago and I've worked their twice. It's super crazy. I've made so many mistakes so far, but I feel I've picked up on pretty much everything. Except how to answer the phone when I'm the only one on the register and there's a line of people. Still haven't figured that one out. I've also found that both Flaco and Erica aren't as antisocial as I thought they were. Which is pleasant. Dolores is still kind of a piece of work. She always regards me like I'm an enormous waste of her time and that every time I talk to her I am pulling her away from something drastically  more important than what I need to ask her. She's always nice when she first comes in, says hello and asks how I am, but once she's on the floor, she's a nightmare.

I also am pretty sure I saw two drag queens come into work. They reminded me hardcore of the Willem Dafoe drag queen from Boondock Saints when he went to the Italian mafioso's house at the end. So funny. And whenever I asked them if they wanted a bag, they both went, "Oh, honey, of course." Which was great.

It's been so busy lately. Good times.

work, fco, drag queens, ghosts

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