
Nov 29, 2010 15:32

So went to Ohio from Tuesda to Sunday night.
Usually going to Ohio means intense boredom, claustrophobia, and huge crowds. None of which I am personally fond of. But we went and it actually was super fun. Thanksgiving was the usual, lots of food, some boredom, waiting around for people to say we can leave.

Then Friday we had cookie baking, which I actually was allowed to help out with. Usually, my Aunt Gail gives me vague answers when I ask for help and doesn't actually let me know what to do. But this time I was making cookie balls and scooping things and such. So it was actually pretty fun. And I was sent on two shopping errands with Kyllea, the second making me uncontrollably irritated and giving me the epiphany that I hate shopping 100%.

After everyone had gone home on Friday, Dad, Kyllea, Kat and Chelse, Uncle Dan, and I all played two games of spoons. Which was hilarious. Spoons is always fun. Then Kat and Chelse had to go to bed and the rest of us played black jack. We had been drinking sake during spoons, between four of us we finished a bottle, but it was only about four little shot glasses for each of us. So while we were playing black jack, I grabbed a bottle of wine from the cooler outside and my uncle grabbed the Merlot and between me and him, it was like a race to see who could finish the bottle first. I don't know who won, but I drank too much. I woke up the next day for the "sisters shopping" thing with waves of nausea and a slight headache. Bleh.

I tried not to contact anyone in New York while I was there. Andy had said for me to update him, but I felt it was an obligatory request so I didn't do it. Besides, there wasn't much to update about. Ella got some eye sickness and her eyes turned bloodshot and got weepy and she was messing with them a lot (Ella is only about 4 years old) and then she walked into the room I was sitting in and was like, "Is that your lipstick by the radio?" and I said it was and she said, "Oh, I just used it."

NOOOOO! It was brand new too. It smells awful, like Cholorseptic for the throat, but it was something. And then she got all her eye gunkies in it. I had to take a paper towel and rub out the top bits of it. Yuck.

I got home and Andy had texted me asking about Ohio. I told him I had just gotten home and I wasn't interested in driving around anywhere. He ended up coming over around 10.30 to talk and hang out. I told him about my vacation and he told me about his. Which was little more than getting a group together, drinking, and then passing out in someone's home and getting up the next day and doing it all over again. He's thinking of getting an apartment in Webster and he said that he probably wouldn't go see anyone, they'd have to come see him. Which, maybe that's best. I was thinking while he was telling me about getting drunk and drunk and drunk that we have nothing in common. And how sad it is that that's what his life is reduced to. Finding people to drink with and then getting so drunk he passes out. Maybe it's just  a part of life I never felt like experiencing, those college days where all you do is party and pass out. So maybe he's just doing something normal and I'm abnormal because I like to drink as like a side activity, like when I played black jack and drank, instead of just drinking to drink.

I dunno. I was driving back to New York and I just became mildly depressed. I just kept thinking I was driving back into the place that houses all my problems. How happy I was in Ohio with Kyllea and the family and people and bright and sunny and new things. And then going back to New York, where all I think about is how Andy is so different and we aren't friends anymore and all Taylor can talk to me about is how her life sucks and all the weed smoking and booze drinking, it was so depressing.

Home sweet home I guess.

ohio, andy, thanksgiving, ella, kyllea, drinking, weed

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