The most important thing about goals is having one.
Geoffry F. Abert
01. Travel to at least 2 countries (
x) (
02. Learn how to develop film (
03. Learn to actually ride your unicycle
04. Make a pinhole camera
05. Write a stupid song
06. Read 50 books (
07. Learn a new skill (
08. Do at least 5 crafts projects (
09. Write a book
10. Enter 2 contests for anything (NaNoWriMo) (and lets just say tumblr giveaways count ^_^)
Happy New Year, everyone! ^_^ I slept through the midnight stroke but there was a feast in my dream so at least I sort of celebrated it?? haha
I thought of writing down stuff like 'eat healthy' and 'exercise regularly' but lol I know when to cut my losses early.