Sex sex sex!

Mar 31, 2011 12:15

Sometimes I wish I was asexual.

The sexual orientation, not the 'I'm the baby daddy too!' kind.

Fandom has made me look up all these sexual identities - and man are there a lot - and, I don't know, it just sounds appealing to me. To not think about SEX, not that I always think about it or anything like that, but for it to have no bearing.

Maybe it's because I've never been in a real relationship that I still have that innocent concept of romanticism. Maybe I'm just afraid of being that level of close and vulnerable with someone so I think I'm not interested.

I just talked with this guy I met in the airport (another case of 'gopie is too overwhelmed by this small social interaction she doesn't realise she's given out her personal information'. But hey, at least it's just my email and not my number this time) and after a while of conversing through email he was like, 'can I be your boyfriend?'

Is that how it works? Do people just do that?

I was like, 'sweet, but I'm not interested.'

[Also, I made a joke about him maybe being a human trafficker (he said he was an education consultant and supplies colleges with foreign students). Awkward humour is awkward.]

I like the idea of being in love, but I've never felt so strongly about anyone in my life before (fandom crushes don't count). But I'm also not like, 'OMG I need to be in love right now!!'. Also, I'm awkward with people. Also, I never realise until way later after a conversation then I'm like, 'Oh wait... was that flirting just now?' :/

So I have no idea if I could be asexual or not, since I've never had that experience so my mind doesn't really have a reason to go there. But then I see something like DAT ASS or THOSE ARMS and I'm like, 'UNF! Gimme some of that to DEVOUR~'. Though now that I think about it, I might just be into the agressive cuddling of it all haha

Though then again.. I enjoy reading smut sometimes (I had a winky face here, but then it ended up looking pervy and creepy) So I don't know.

I though about bigender briefly but no, I may just like dressing up as a guy.

Androgyny? I go through a few fashion phases and I have been mistaken as a guy before. (Though the looks I'm into nowadays alternate between flowy skirts and gentleman. I so want a cravat and a gladstone collar shirt.)

I read an interesting fanfic dealing with biphobia, and now I want to read/watch more. I wonder if there are any good ones out there...

What was I on about?

Sorry, there's really no structure to this entry. I'm just writing as I think so I may not be explaining myself well.

But, in conclusion, I honestly don't really care. It just felt like something to think/talk about. I know who I am and that's.. whoever I am, however I want to be, even if it's in just that moment. Life is a fluid thing :)

And on a completely unrelated non-sexual note..

How does one work on one's gag reflex?

//All you need is love~

stupid rambles, life, interests, fandoms, awkward socially-inept girl

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