voice is still ehhhh. today had a chemistry exam and made up my PE150 exam.
chem was after lunch, i made the mistake of setting aside time before lunch to study. unfortunately, IT was a 2 hour class today, so i didn't HAVE any time before lunch. so chem exam without studying. still did alright, i think, so oh well. maybe not the A+ i'm hoping for, but not too shabby, i hope. PE exam was a little rougher, i'm expecting an 80, though possibly down to a 75. such is life, still passed it (i'll find out next week).
start army gymnastics tomorrrow - fun.
haven't written my essay yet - i imagine i'll do it this weekend (HAHA yeah right) while i'm in PA and DC. last weekend before PPW. setting up seats for that - 7 people haven't responded yet, though, with their info so i can start putting tables together.
at any rate, half way through the semester, as of today. which means 40 'school days' left until graduation not too shabby - i can live with that.looking more forward to next weekend, which is PPW, but more importantly, me coming home for a much needed week off of school. good deal. then absolutely no break until -- well.. almost until next semester starts. i get 1 week off during summer, that's about it. haha