Fics from this weekend!

Apr 10, 2016 17:39

Between chatting and watching the Warriors make history, I've had a pretty good weekend! And my creative productivity was quite high. Here's hoping I can keep the streak going while writing the 72 fics to celebrate the Warriors epic season.

Prompt: Magnificent Seven, Josiah and/or JD, He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which. (Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Characters/Pairing: Josiah and JD
Notes: Steampunk!Seven, because with a prompt like that how could it be anything else?

There were times - there were a lot of times - when JD wasn't sure if Josiah was a genius or a fool. Usually those times involved Josiah deciding that the best way to deal with a recalcitrant bit of equipment was to smack it as hard as possible with a spanner, but sometimes it was because Josiah would disappear into his workshop and emerge with an invention that was equal parts brilliant and useless. Like the fully submersible amphibious coach he was currently displaying.

"But Josiah," JD said, as he walked around the latest creation. "We ain't got any water deep enough to try it out in."

Josiah grinned and pulled out a second device, vaguely similar to an ear trumpet, though JD had never seen an ear trumpet that crackled with lightning before, or one with a pendulum swinging freely from the horn. "Not to fear, my boy. Have you ever heard of dowsing?"

"To find water? Ain't that just a bunch of hokum?"

"Maybe, but it's an interesting theory. I reckon if one can harness the subtle vibrations of the moon, one can find the places where the water lies hidden in the earth."

"Moon's vibrations, huh?" JD said, trying to decide if Josiah was just jawing or if he actually believed his own bullshit.

"Well, something like that," Josiah allowed. He picked up the bag that had been lying at his feet, and JD felt his heart begin to beat faster in a dizzying combination of fear and anticipation, for that was an awful lot of dynamite Josiah was carrying.

"And what're you planning on doing if you find the water," JD asked, though he knew he didn't really need to.

"Why, set it free," Josiah said, before striding off into the bush, dowsing trumpet held firmly to his ear. JD watched him go, then shrugged and followed along like he always did.

Prompt: Maude prides herself on keeping up with current events, but this…well, this was a surprise.
Characters/Pairing: Maude, Ezra.

The only thing - besides Ezra - that Maude has kept from her first marriage is the advice Michael gave her on their wedding night, after he'd talked their way into the Grand Terrace's best suite: the foundation of any con is knowledge.

She thinks, sometimes, that if he'd obeyed his own rule a little better they'd still be married and he wouldn't be in a pauper's grave back in Georgia.

Still, his failure was an even better lesson than all his successes and so Maude makes sure she keeps abreast of things. It's one of the lessons she thinks Ezra has never really learned, and though she often despairs over her darling boy, she is, in some ways, grateful for his persistent ignorance. His sloppiness makes it easier to keep tabs on him - that Josiah is quite the useful fellow, always willing to write with the latest news - and though she knows he'll never believe it, she cares for him as deeply as any mother could.

But for all her precautions, for all her little spies feeding her tidbits about Ezra's life, she is completely unprepared for the sight of him smiling at Chris Larabee - smiling with his father's smile, too fond and foolish by half. It strikes her dumb, this sudden revelation, and she's unsure if the surprise is from the sudden knowledge that her son's head can be turned by a handsome man as easily as hers, or that Ezra has managed to keep this secret hidden for so long.

"Mother?" Ezra asks, his smile dropping in an instant, and there is such fear in his eyes that Maude finds herself suddenly pained. She hesitates, unsure if she should say what's in her heart - say that she has never been one for convention and she never expected her son to follow society's whims; say that she's more disappointed about his careless attachment than about who he's become attached to. But to say such things would be to give too much away, and while Ezra may be his father's son, he's hers as well and he will not hesitate to press his advantage.

"Well Ezra," she says instead of what she really means, "I do believe there's hope for you yet."

Prompt: Vin & Inez, appreciation
Characters/Pairing: Vin, Inez

For the most part, Vin doesn't put much stock in dates. It don't matter much to him if it's Monday or Sunday, if it's March or June. The measuring of time is something he's never had much need of, and there ain't too many days in his life that he reckons are worth noting. Still, there are some days that he can't forget, and he always knows when the day his mother died comes back around. Ain't easy to forget something like that, so he doesn't even try.

He doesn't make much of a fuss over the day, though. It's long past and there ain't nothing he can do about the past. Still, he can't help the ache that creeps up on him, like the first frost on the ground, and though he tries he ain't always able to keep the orneriness at bay. Years past, that hadn't been much of a problem - well, he hadn't been near folks that would pay mind to his snapping anger. This year, though, he's got folks who ain't got the sense to leave him be, who expect him to be around, and he's damn near bit Buck's head off twice before he manages to make his excuses and leave the table.

"What's got him so het up?" he hears JD ask as he sidles up to the dark corner of the bar, and he don't bother to listen for the answer. Ain't gonna be the truth, no matter what anyone says, for Vin ain't sure what the truth rightly is. Ain't sure if it's sadness or grief or anger that's got him all twisted; ain't sure if it's guilt that his momma dying may have been the turning point that led him to here and he's damn glad of the life he's got.

"Senõr," Inez says as she pours him a glass. He nods his thanks and reaches for a coin, but she waves him away. "On the house."

"Gracias," he says, as much for the drink as for the way she don't press him for words.

"De nada," she says, and she smiles in a way that makes him sure she understands.

Prompt: V/E, one thing they have in common is an addition to adrenaline
Characters/Pairing: Vin/Ezra
Notes: Kind of NSFW - nothing graphic, but it's a bit racy

"You goddamn cheating son of a whore," the big miner roars, flipping the table up and looming over Ezra. He pulls his fist back, ready to beat his rage into Ezra's skin, but he gets no further for that's when Vin makes his move, leaping onto the big man's back like he really is an angry bull.

In the moment before the big man turns to smash him against one of the saloon's pillars, Vin grins at Ezra, for he knows Ezra showed his hand on purpose, just to piss the big man off. Ezra touches the brim of his hat, the same sharp smile upon his face, and the warmth Vin feels flooding through his belly has nothing to do with the way his blood pounds during a really good fight. He knows he's going to end up in Ezra's bed tonight, taken apart like one of his guns, fucked good and hard the way he likes - well, the fucking's always best after a good fight.

Maybe it doesn't make much sense what he and Ezra have, this thing that leaves them bruised and battered, but Vin knows it don't matter that they fight as much as they fuck. That's just the way for them, the devil in them both. Ain't much else about them that's the same, except for the love they share for the rush that comes when things go wrong and the fighting starts.

Far as Vin's concerned, that's more than enough.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth where there are

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