In a Golden State of mind

Apr 10, 2016 15:25

The Golden State Warriors just tied the '96 Bulls regular season record in a 92-86 win against the Spurs on the Spurs' home court (and, incidentally, breaking the Spurs winning streak at home). That's 72 wins in the regular season. That's…well, kind of ridiculous, actually, and amazing, and, yes, record breaking. If they win their game against the Grizzlies on Wednesday, they'll have beaten the Bulls record, and I don't think any team will come close to breaking that record for a really, really, really long time.

So, in honor of my team's fantastic season (and, yes, I know I'm jumping on the GSW bandwagon extremely late), I'm going to write one fic for every one of the Warriors wins in both the regular season and the playoffs. Right now that number stands at 72.

So, prompt me people! Because I sure as hell can't think of 72 stories to write all on my own.

ETA Some clarification (because I got too excited):

1. Prompts don't have to be sports related.

2. They can be from any fandom I've written a story in, except for the manga ones because it's been too damn long since I've read manga and I'm arbitrarily deciding that I don't want to write in those. The fandoms with the most stories will, obviously, be the ones whose prompts get filled fastest.

3. You can ask me to do a crossover with a fandom not on the list, but that's a bit of a crapshoot (unless it's Justified, Dr. Who, or the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, and even then it'll likely be a cameo crossover).

3b. I will not write RPF. It's just not something I'm comfortable doing.

4. I reserve the right to ask for a different prompt if you give me something I can't do (e.g., a pairing I'm just incapable of writing).

5. I may not be able to fill all prompts, but I'll give it my best damn try.

6. Be courteous in the number of prompts you ask for at a given time. I'd like to be able to write something for everyone who asks, so I'm requesting that you give me, oh, let's say 6 prompts at a time. I'll create a sticky post of all requested prompts -- and fills -- as and when they come in.

7. Right now, I'm reserving the right to fill the 73rd fic slot (should the Warriors win their last regular season game) with a story of my own devising. This may change if I can't come up with any good ideas. I'll do a separate count of playoff wins once the playoffs actually start.

So there we go! 72 stories to write! Start throwing me ideas!

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth where there are
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