
Mar 27, 2012 02:53

Apparently the muse is now ready to bring the angst into Mag7. So much for this being by "sweetness & light" fandom! Clearly the muse just needs me to be in an emotionally vulnerable state from sobbing like a 12-year-old girl at the Christian the lion video (even though it was...happy sobbing I guess?) to want to translate that into serious hurt/comfort for the boys.

Of course with a prompt like "knife wounds/lacerations" there's really not too far a muse can go beyond the hurt/comfort. Especially when I'm going to be getting two new books on medicine in the Wild West relatively soon as a treat to myself (...and this is why Amazon is a BAD BAD BAD THING because there's really no way to stop the book impulse buying when I head over there to see if there are any decent books on the history/running of the Studio system in Hollywood available and end up seeing awesome books available for pennies (plus S&H) and finally emerging dazed and poorer than I was before. At least going to Powells takes effort! And, you know, parking!).

On another plus side, watched both the most frightening clip in the world as discovered from this article on 12 Classic Movie Moments Made Possible By Abuse & Murder (it's the 1925 Ben Hur chariot scene. I'm not good at reading lips, but I strongly suspect that in the close-ups of the actors in that scene where they're shouting, they're probably shouting things like "holy mother of fucking god why am I doing this shit?!" and with very good reason since there's at least one on-screen actual fatality and chariot pile up) and then cheered myself up with the clip of Gene Kelly performing Singin' in the Rain, which unleashed an urge to watch the movie again and write Don and Cos happiness and Vaudeville shenanigans.

There may have been a point about that last paragraph and I think it was: videos! Ben Hur! (which I've still never seen and only vaguely know the story to!) Singin' In the Rain! Don and Cos!

...and I'm done. Fat cats curled up in my lap demand I sleep now and who am I to argue with the little bastards.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth where there are

other:fic happens, other:random life update

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