
Sep 25, 2008 02:10

I'm nothing in not thorough in my geeky-ways. Especially when I write fanfic or RP for it. I mean, the amount of Dalek books I have so I could do Caan right is a bit scary. Anyway, I was looking to see if I could find any clues to Crowley's 'True Name', the one that's never spoken, but the one he has to sue to sign all official documents. I found this:

Gadreel - one of the fallen angels in Enoch lore. It was Gadreel who, reputedly, led Eve astray - which, if true, would make Gadreel rather than Satan the talking serpent and seducer in the Garden of Eden. Like Azazel, Gadreel made man familiar with weapons of war (Enoch I, 69, 6).

That, ladies and gentlemen, is good enough for me. Yes, I am aware I'm a geek. A big one. This is what I do at stupid-o-clock on the internet. Look for tidbits on fictional beings.
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