STOP! It's meme time!

Sep 22, 2008 17:18

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like ( Read more... )

good omens, fic

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taiyou_to_tsuki September 22 2008, 17:15:26 UTC
(Icon=Win. Omg, best super-duper comfy chair ever. 8D)

I always end up spending half the song trying to figuring out what to write ABOUT. (>__>;) I am so unspontaneous.

You're welcome! And while that might very well be true, it might also have something to do with the fact that I have two tests this and next week each to study for and two essays to be handed in on Friday and evil glossaries and a grammar test in a course outside of school I'm taking... Pity me for this is my last year in compulsory school. x'D

Maybe because there's more than a jacket you can slide off? >:3 *Shot* (... It's because I was the one thinking that from the beginning, right? XD I need to think less about slash and more about the... Brotherly bonds of friendship that ties males/male-shaped beings together. Yes. Rrrright.)

It's just... There's got to be some kind of law against chopping people up as well as eating them in the Human Rights convention or something. Like "Thou shalt not eat the flesh of thy brother, for it is impure and so thou shalt be impure as well". ... Because that's how all the UN's conventions are narrated.

:D I sure did, and I sure apologize for this random (and long) reply. I like talking to people online too much. x3


todd_fan September 22 2008, 17:30:35 UTC
I know, it giggles me so much XD

Aww, I do, I remember the horrors of school well, then I punished myself and did university, too. That was a really daft move for someone who doesn't focus on school work well to make XD

Ahhh but then the slashy mind goes back to the slash and..yeah. The brotherly bond died for me pretty much when they met up in the park. They're so very slashy. It's like...they WANT us to write it. Um...yes. >>

LOL, yep. You'd really think there would be. I can imagine Crow getting Aziraphale to take one tiny bite and go 'guess what it's made out of?'. Because he's a bastard like that. XD

Hee, that's fine, rambling chats are always good.


taiyou_to_tsuki September 22 2008, 17:54:47 UTC
Indeed, the world needs moar giggles.

Aww, is the mind daft the body gets to suffer. *SHOT* I don't know if I want to do university, I kind of have to get to Upper Secondary level first. But I like the thought of being able to choose the subjects I want to read myself... Some school subjects are my greatest interests in my spare time.

Lol, I think it was the bookstore scene that first made me think "The slash is writing itself!" and then it only got worse and worse, or better and better, depending on how you look at it... Of course they want us to write it, they must enjoy it very badly. 8D

A level of evil even higher than Crowley's usual standard. XP But at least he'd tell him after one bite and not the whole pie. And then all Aziraphale can do is pray (or not, considering what THAT'S going to lead to) that his superiors doesn't find out. xD

Goodie. :3 Because I did it again. XD


todd_fan September 22 2008, 18:11:45 UTC
That icon giggles me. Hzah for insane laughter.

Oh totally, it's much nicer to have the freedom to study things that you're INTERESTED in, rather than what you're told to be interested in XD

Yeeep, it does, doesn't it? It's the fact Gaiman said they were sharing a cottage in the South Downs that made me realise that 'heeey, that's close enough to canon for ME!'

Oh yes, he wouldn't make him eat the whole pie, he might not wait for him to swallow. BWHAHA. Aziraphale hides a lot from his superiours XD


taiyou_to_tsuki September 22 2008, 18:31:30 UTC
But that comic is so cute. <3 So is SinFest, btw. xD

Indeed. You can only read about cells and atoms so many times. *Has bad experiences with Science class*

... Waitwhat? Did he say that? And am I a bad person for shipping them without any knowledge of that presumable fact? 8D

He's a closet sweetheart, indeed. For a demon, anyway. And yes, there are many skeletons in Aziraphale's closet as well, I'm sure. Many things to be hidden in closets overall...


todd_fan September 22 2008, 22:44:25 UTC
It iss. Sinfest rocks so very hard XD

Oh tell me about it, I rather stupidly agreed to do a genetics class in my degree. Yeah. Never, ever again. ><

Yep, he said it at a book signing, which giggles me muchly. Nope, not at all, I did the same thing, then used that as backup. Bwahaha!

That's just crying to be a fic.


taiyou_to_tsuki September 23 2008, 05:46:24 UTC
I need to start reading it again. When I found it I kind of had a couple of years' comic strips to catch up with, so I never really got around to it... XD

We're reading genetics now. It is very very confusing. I can barely tell the difference between genes, cromosomes and DNA myself. xD Would probably help if my Science teacher wasn't such a dork though. All about the teacher in the end. D:


Oh do it. Please. Someone do it. xD


todd_fan September 23 2008, 16:06:17 UTC
Yeah, same happened to me, I think there's still about a years worth of strips I haven't read yet.

Ugh it is. The one we had was a right arse. His favourite line was 'you're second year degree biology students, you should know this'. We did point out we were second year animal behaviour degree students, which was not quite the same thing, but it fell on deaf ears. It was when he asked us to complete the code, and everyone recited it in a monotone, as I stood there going 'um' that made me realise I wasn't cut out for genetics XD

Because they are authors and are strange people, that's what I'd go for anyway, lol.

You so know that's going into the ideas bin in my head. I'll probably do it after the GO exchange is over.


taiyou_to_tsuki September 23 2008, 19:01:08 UTC
Indeed, and I am too cheap and uninterested to buy the comic books. xD

Well at least he said something. My teacher sometimes seems to be speaking a whole different language, because he mentions stuff that we haven't and aren't supposed to know. It's like someone took our textbook, chopped it into bits and then put it all together again in his mouth totally out of context. (._.;)

Trufax. Still, Neil and Terry are pretty cool about slash for being authors. There are those that seem to believe having published a book gives them the right to control the fanbase of it completely. (Hello, Anne Rice.)

Oooh, I wish I had an idea bin. xD I don't know why I haven't, I just can't seem to write anything anymore. *Ponders this* And ah, the GO exchange. I'd almost forgotten about that... I have this vague feeling I'm going to regret signing up for that sooner or later, but meh. XD

(Also, would you mind if I Friended you? I have enjoyed this conversation very muchly and you seem like a fun person. Yes.)


todd_fan September 23 2008, 19:09:55 UTC
Yep, comic books, they cost money, and the strip is RIGHT THERE. My logic is cheap logic also XD

I hear that, genetics is an evil subject, it really is.

Ugh, Anne Rice and her ways. Not to mention 'don't mock my fandom or I'll CRY!' Stephene Meyer. Heck, Terry even gives us CANON slash in Monstrous Regiment. Rock on, Terry, rock on.

LOL, I've never done an exchange before, but I figured it's just the thing to shake the cobwebs off my writing muse.

Of course, I'll friend you too, I've had many giggles in this convo, and I'm always happy to make new friends :D


taiyou_to_tsuki September 23 2008, 19:40:12 UTC
Indeed. Comic bookery is an expensive trade. Especially when they're *graphic novels*~~

I'm personally trying to figure out the reason we're reading about Mendel and genetics before Darwin and evolution though.

I'm glad I'm not engaged in the VC fandom, although I've enjoyed the books I've read. (The three first. XD) And Stephenie Meyer... Deserves any mockery she can get for creating the, in my opinion, most monstrous books in the history of so-called literature. Yessir. And that just makes me kind of sad I never could get into Monstrous Regiment. I think it is the only book by Pratchett I haven't finished. xD

Lol, at first I thought that maybe I should apply for fanfiction as well to get the writing going, but then realized that it wouldn't do if I still couldn't write anything. XP

Yaaay. :3


todd_fan September 23 2008, 20:44:56 UTC
That drives me nuts, they're comics, just say it, you fools! It's like 'adult cover' editions of Harry Potter.

Yeah that's not helpful in the learning curve. I did a whole module on Darwin, dude was awesome, crazy, but awesome XD

Oh god yeah, Meyner needs to really stop and think before she says how awesome she is. She's pretty much stolen all the plots from Buffy and Angel and made them BAD anyway. Destroying a fandom, eeeevil woman. LOL, Regiment is one I love, it's the Moist books I stuggle with, and I have no idea why.

I figure if I'm doing it as a gift I will get the incentive to do it. My brain works oddly like that.


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