STOP! It's meme time!

Sep 22, 2008 17:18

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Put iTunes or equivalent media player on random.
3. For each song that plays, write something related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song: no planning beforehand: you start when it starts, and no lingering afterward; once the song is over, you stop writing. (No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance!)
4. Do 5 of these, then post.

Crowley - Good Omens - Though, admittedly, it’s more Aziraphale/Crowley in some of them, but there you go, there’s also a crossover.

This was a really fun meme to do. I’m tempted to do it again for another fandom. There’s something to be said about trying to write a story in the time frame of a song. Obviously, some songs are longer than others, so some stories are longer than others. I’m glad Trapped in the Drive Thru didn’t come on, it would have ended up being VERY bizarre. ….damn plot bunnies.

Come Together - The Beatles

Crowley leaned back on the wall, graffiti scrawled across it, proclaiming something about a misspelled anark-ee. He took a long drag from a cigarette as he watched a few people with interesting hair and metal in places it really shouldn’t be in human beings walking past him. He wasn’t exactly sure how this new social reform had come about, but he did like the leather.

“Power to the people!” yelled one of the... punks was it?, at him as he ran past and set a bin on fire.

“The people really don’t have much power, at the end of it,” he offered the punk, who swore at him and ran off to cause more mayhem.

Teenagers - My Chemical Romance

“I still can’t believe you convinced me to come to this”

Crowley shot his companion a dirty look to show how much he really wasn’t impressed with this idea at all.

“Come now, Crowley, Adam has looked after us, the least we can do is go to his birthday party,” he chided gently.

“He’s a seventeen year old in an eleven year olds body and that Pepper girl hits on me every time I go near her,” sulked Crowley.

“Well, perhaps she has taken a fancy to you,” giggled the angel.

Crowley glared at the angel as he giggled.

“Well, at least I don’t have that odd kid in the glasses mooning at me.”

Aziraphale stopped giggling.

Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel

Crowley watched in intense amusement as his counterpart trying to fit into a leather jacket.

“Are you sure they go on like this?” he asked, worried.

“Yep,” said Crowley, stifling a chuckle. “Aziraphale, really, I don’t think it suits you…”

“Well, you said I needed to be hip to the times,” said Aziraphale.

“I said that twenty years ago when that turn of speech as still considered cool,” said Crowley pointedly, then shook his head. “Take it off, you look like a prat.”

“But I’m pretty sure I saw in a magazine that this is how I should dress to be ‘cool’,” said Aziraphale, frowning.

Crowley rolled his eyes, walking over and sliding the jacket off the angel’s shoulders.

“I’m only going to say this once, so relish the moment,” he said, looking at him pointedly. “You don’t need the jacket, you’re fine just being a stuffy, if slightly plump, bookshop owner who never actually sells any books.”

“Really?” asked the angel hopefully.

“Yes, really,” Crowley rolled his eyes, “Now stop being a silly tit and lets go get ratarsed as usual

Little Rock - Collin Raye

Someone, he hated this Manchester forsaken place. Crowley eyed the dusty landscape, wondering why his superiors decided that America would be a good place to do business. He’d already been attacked by a power walker. It wasn’t fun. He stepped across the road into an old bar. Where almost certainly no one knew his name.

He slipped onto a stool, almost ordering some wine, before realising that’s the sort of thing that could get you some funny looks in a bar like this, and opted for a beer instead. He sipped it slowly, watching the wall. Drinking just wasn’t the same without someone to share it with.

He took a breath, downing his drink and standing up. Business first, feeling sorry for himself later. As he stepped outside, though, he couldn’t help but feel there was a distinct part of himself missing.

Pretty Women - Sweeney Todd

“Awright gu’vur?”

Crowley was pleased with how well he could stretch his accent if he really wanted to. The man gave him the sort of look that clearly meant he wanted to avoid people altogether.

“You’re the barber, yeah?” Crowley offered him a wide smile.

“Yes,” it was a short answer, almost distracted.

Crowley dipped his hat to a lady as she walked past, offering her a charming smile. She blushed and carried on down the cobbled street. Crowley beamed, enjoying the view, before turning to see the odd man trying to scuttle off.

“Oi, wait!” said Crowley following him and falling into step beside him. “Don’t suppose you have time for a shave?”

The barber eyed him.

“You don’t need one.”

Crowley paused, realising a flaw in this idea.

“A hair cut, then, I hear good things about you,” this was technically a lie, he’d heard a lot of dark chuckles Down Below, and most of them involved what happened to the barber’s customers afterwards.

Crowley followed the man to an old shop. The barber stopped, turning to look at him.

“I’d leave now, sir, if I were you, you never know what sort of trouble you can run into on these streets.”

Crowley smirked.

“I’m quite fond of trouble, meself,” he said, then after a pause. “Perhaps a pie, for the missus.”

Missus. Companion. Big diff.

Is it bad I want to do a ST/GO crossover fic now?

good omens, fic

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