
Feb 16, 2007 09:57

I'd almost forgotten how good turkey-frito sammiches were. SO yummy!
And no, that's not a prgnancy thing. The people who know me know I've eaten weirder.
As far as weird pregnancy cravings go though, I actually haven't had any. True, I'm only 3 months along, but I think my theory of me eating normal food while pregnant is correct. And the ketchup thing too. I've never eaten much ketchup, but the past 3 months I have quite a bit. I haven't actually wanted many weird concoctions like usual.
One more day of stupid math!!!!!!!! *does happy ferret dance* One more day! One more day!!!
I'm just a little excited ;)
I'm getting all of my crap together for my business plan and turning it in tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to the presentation part, because just thinking about it makes my body start to shake and get light headed and my eyes move around a lot more than they normally do (stinkin' Nystagmus -.-). I just want to get it over with though, so I'm going to have to live with presenting. Thinking about it being the final crappy part of the class helps. Luckily I can wear a 'costume', so I don't have to be in school uniform and wear checked chef pants. I'm gonna find some black pants that are comfortable and actually fit me. This babys getting bigger, and so is my waist. I can't wait til it gets bigger and I actually look pregnant, not just fat.
I'm so looking forward to not having class anymore and having actual free time on my days off! I can clean and not feel guilty about doing it! Lately that's what I've been doing actually, cleaning. I've begun 'nesting', as most books/web sites put it, and its driving Andy nuts ;) I'm loving it though, and mom thinks its hilarious cause its driving Andy nuts. Once this class is over I can clean guilt free, and watch movies, and start my baby journal for my baby. I can cook meals ahead of time, and bake more too :) Can't wait! Especially since next week is our first year anniversary *crosses fingers for flowers, though doubtfull*
There;s a bucnh of stuff I was gonna post, but its going to have to wait...still have more progect things to do so I'm not up all night after work tonight doing it. Man I can't wait until next season and I'm not working at Cafe Orleans anymore...I hate closing there because the people are so dang slow! -.- I'll probably rant about that its math time! *insert sarcastic joyfulness*
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