alyt borrowing Anne's LJ for a health update

Jan 13, 2005 21:03

Hi everyone, this is alyt - I am updating on behalf of Anne.

Anne is in recovery from her surgery. She is doing fine. The surgeon was able to remove the entire thyroid. The surgery went longer than expected though. She has a tube down her throat, so she isn't able to talk, but I was told that she did NOT lose her voice. (*phew*)

They are going to keep her at the hospital over the weekend. I was told that her incision is larger than the last time and there is a risk of infection. Plus, she has the tube in her throat, so she will be unable to eat anything. So, she will be staying under observation until Saturday or Sunday.

I'm going to talk to her family again tomorrow and get another update, and find out if she is up for visitors or phone calls. I'm hoping that I can go see her either tomorrow after I get out of work or on Saturday.

If anyone would like to comment here I will print out everything and bring it to her to read if I am able to go see her. If not, I know she would be really happy to read lots of well wishes when she gets back home.

If you would like her home addy, you can leave a comment here or email me at ava_alyssa at yahoo dot com and I will send it to you.

Let's all send Anne some good thoughts and well wishes!!! She's been through a lot and yet she is always such a positive person.



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