[Private | Unhackable]
Her boyfriend... Galaxia got him as well.
Tch, he's made her sad again, hasn't he? Cold guy... If he could see her now, he'd never have left her in the first place.
Odango... Don't be sad anymore. I'm here. Am I not good enough?
Na na na... what kind of talk is this. I guess I'll just have to make her smile again. She shines more like that.
Princess, I'm sorry. Please wait a little while longer.
[End Filter]
[Filtered to Michiru]
Michiru-san, you alright by yourself?
[End Filter]
Yo, Odango! I know you went out on your own yesterday and everything, but you're a lucky lady, because you're going on a guided tour with me today. Since you probably don't have any plans, it's a great offer, yeah? Lots of girls would die to be in your shoes, you know.
[Filtered to Megumi]
Megumi-san... I... tch, this is gettin' stupid...
It's gettin' crowded in my apartment, would you mind if I dropped by later today? I might bring a friend. Coffee's alright. Only serve cake if you have lots of it, yeah? She's a glutton
[End Filter]
Na na na... fighting is serious business, not some stupid sport. I bet you agree, Haruka-san...
This arena business wasn't very cool.
[ooc: His Odango finally arrived. He's not quite sure what to think about it. Usagi-mun, feel free to have her refuse, he just wants her to splutter, 'tis all. Youko-mun, feel free to tag about all the people who've been coming and going in the apartment, since Michiru left yesterday and Usagi's been hanging around since Friday. All filters are unhackable.]