May 01, 2015 13:28
Leave it to those five rainbow colored dorks to completely wreck me with feels. No seriously guys, can I at least recover from Hawaii before you do this to me again?? I think I have been living on Hawaii feels since last year. It was announced in May and then it was months of planning and organzing and waiting and then it happened. A span of days that, I know it sounds crazy, changed my life. From the time Blast in Hawaii was announced and I either met them online or in line or whatever, I don't think Ia single day has gone by that I have talked to at least one of the girls in some capacity. Does it matter that we are separated by 14 hours?? Not a single bit!! Got back from Hawaii and then the waiting game for the DVD started. In the meantime I quite literally experienced Digitalian vicariously and in those many months I've also fallen in love with more Johnny's. Not my fault that they grow them adorable and talented over there!! I digress, as usual. So the DVD arrived and I lost all touch with reality once again. Can we all just thank whoever it was that was trolling Twiiter or Facebook or Tumblr and saw the outcry for Paradox in the Rain (yes, this shall forever be it's new title) and made sure they included that hotness.
Then fate strikes again. I get an e-mail that has a list of trade expos that are coming up. If you didn't know, I am a travel agent for a large company here in the US and every year we are invited to various travel and tourism expos. I normally go to two a year, but normally they are within the US or maybe Mexico if I am lucky. When what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a notice for the JATA Expo 2015 that is being held in Tokyo in September. So I give the info to my boss and cross my fingers. I mean I was planning on going to Japan in Novemeber what's a few months earlier and if work will pay for it!!! Then just days later Arashi breaks fandom, as they are so prone to do, and announces Arashi Blast in Miyagi. Awesome!! When is it? The weekend before the travel expo and a year to the date after Blast in Hawaii. OH! MY! GOD!!! In a matter of minutes a billion things went through my head, just like when I heard the Hawaii announcement!! Can I make this happen being my #1 question.
Really thinking it was a long shot I still did what I could. I jumped on and grabbed some hotel rooms (damn those babies booked quick!!) and told my little group that no matter what, whether i was there or not place to stay was taken care of. I was hoping deep down that somehow I could do this. If work would just approve the Expo days I could tack on some vacation days. I just needed to get approval. This morning my boss calls me into her office and starts to break the bad news to me, but WAIT!! I tell her I want to tack on vacation days and what if I do that and what if we split the airline ticket cost and I'll cover places to stay. Could we swing that. She calls her boss and and and and APPROVED!!!
And that is when I sat in my boss' office and held back tears of pure joy. I don't know if anyone actually bothers to read my very sporadic entries, but on January 1st I wrote that one of my main goals for 2015 was to go to Japan. I have not been to Japan since I was a teenager and I was living overseas in Korea. It might be hard for some to understand, but I grew up in a foreign country. I lived in Korea during the most influential and formative years of my life. It's been 20 years since I moved back to the states and I still do stuff the "korean" way because they are ingrained. To say my heart is on the other side of the world is not just something to say because I'm a raging fangirl. I love that part of the world because it is literally where I grew up.
Plans had been set in motion before the first of the year for me to head to Japan in November, but now it will be September and my heart is bursting with happiness and joy and so much emotion I can hardly contain it. It will be a reunion with the girls I have come to love and adore. It will mean being with people I love and in a place that I love supporting who we love. My heart can hardly contain what I am feeling right now. Now please excuse me while I go die from my feels and pure raw emotion!!
arashi blast in miyagi,
beka goes to japan,