It's that time again!
Time to start another beautiful day on the relaxed and groovy Ippie commune. A bright new day, filled with possibility. How could we spend it?
Well, doing almost anything. Talking to trees in our PJs...
Or encouraging other plants of various sorts.
Recycling junk is always a popular pastime!
As is creating new junk.
But by far the most popular thing to do on the commune is nothing at all.
Everyone rolled up a bunch of generic wants after I installed Bon Voyage. Good luck with that, Ziggy.
And Murphy got this popup for the second time! The kid really likes hitting stuff!
Including people, with fishes. (omg those faces)
Murphy is a popular kid. Everyone wants to come home on the bus with him and see if it's really true that he lives with a bunch of weird adults who walk around half-naked and let him blow bubbles and do whatever he wants.
Pez can now see that it is certainly true.
"Hey little dude, need a push on the swing? Careful though, if you swing too high, the aliens will get ya!"
Raz comes to visit too one day. I love the paint job on the bus--it's like they started out at the top trying to create Real Art and then got lazy halfway through and just threw the rest of the paint at the sides. This is exactly what the Ippies would do.
Taxes are coming due, and the SimCity collection bureau does not look kindly on deadbeats. The Ippies need to make a little cash, but no one else is allowed to get a "straight" job. Rainbow decides to take up pottery!
So stunning! And useful, too. You can keep stuff in it, like the shoes that you never wear because they are so constricting, or an enormous mountain of lentils.
Hooray for lazy sims. -_-
Aaaaaah! Raz, pyrokinesis is NOT ALLOWED on craftables!
So Murphy grew up and rolled Mellow Times. It suits him fine, but his LTW is a zillion first dates. Yeah... probably not going to happen. But he does look like quite the heartbreaker.
Uh, maybe.
Since he seems to like the drums so much, I got him some! Now the Ippies can have a drum circle, just like they had back at my college once a week. A once a week that I spent with all my doors and windows tightly shut. "A stampede on the Serengeti," indeed.
Nosy mail lady: "Don't tell me you're dropping ANOTHER one off at this pigsty!"
Social Borker: "It's not like I'm happy about it."
Good heavens. She certainly is not.
And then Murphy had a little sister, Adara Ippie! Strangely, they have exactly the same coloring, as if they were really related. I swear I didn't go and make a broken home to give up a bunch of redheaded babies!
In fact, she's rather uncomfortable with Murphy at the moment. She has a negative relationship with him for some reason. But I have the feeling Adara will fit in here soon enough; she came with 2 neat points, after all.
There's just going to be... an adjustment period.
"Hold me tighter, Mister Bear..."
"The social worker lady said I should watch out for green beetles while I'm here. What are those?"
"Oh man, we haven't seen any of those little green flying guys in a long time. But I DO have some other green stuff that can make you fly!"
Damn it.
You are all terrible role models!! And yet, I can't really complain since the Mighty Suspicious Plants are helping pay for the taxes at the end of the week. Still, I don't think they are going to have quite enough.
So this is how Ziggy drives.
"Woah, man, everything's moving so FAST."
And where is he driving to?
There is an "intentional community" (a commune, basically) in southern Virginia called Twin Oaks, and the residents there pay their taxes by selling homemade tofu and hammocks that they all help to make. There don't seem to be big blocks of tofu in the sims, but they sure do have hammocks! So the Ippies are going to earn some money the Twin Oaks way.
"Here you go, man. Like, this hammock is seriously comfortable. I was sleeping in it til just a moment ago!"
"Wait a minute. What's behind that door in the back there with the curtains and the beads and the reggae music and the mighty suspicious smell?"
"That's where we keep all the rest of the hammocks, man."
"Don't jerk me around, sonny. I want to see the good stuff."
"Welllllll, we just so happen to have some special stock for totally discerning customers like you."
Don't worry, it's completely innocent. Candles and incense! Everyone loves the smell of patchouli!
Um... those are totally legal decorative bubble blowing apparatuses. We are not responsible for those choosing to use them for any illegal purposes.
Oh dear.
What the hell is this store called, anyway?
Officer Dangeresque: "Hmm, Check Your Head. That seems like a totally logical name for a completely normal hammock store. Time to head back to the station for donuts and lad mags!"
WHAT. No, this is not acceptable, this is wrong, this is--
ajslakdhf;s gold bag l;adf;ahks
Okay, some sims are actually interested in the legit merchandise. Monty here bought FOUR of the hammocks. (Whoever predicted he would enjoy the hammock woohoo, you win one internets.)
However, for the most part...
"So I'm not saying I AM looking to buy cannabubble simtiva plants, but if I WERE, where would I look?"
"The drugs are in the back, dude."
"So what variety can I interest you in today, friend? Purple Genie, Blue Zombie, or Little Green Men?"
"What's the difference?"
"Well, Purple Genie makes you feel like alllll your wishes have been granted. Blue Zombie will make you stagger around and think about your brain a lot. And Little Green Men... is green."
Garden Club Dude: "So, I know that Services are still locked and all, but maaaaaybe I could see about making an exception for you fine folks, you know, if you were willing to share some uh, gardening tips?"
Get out of here.
Amazing Flying Townie Girl: "So I'm looking for something that will REALLY make me fly."
GET OUT OF HERE x 1,000,000
ho mah gawd this place is so profitable. It would be even better if the Ippies weren't all so freaking lazy and could stay on the lot for more than ten minutes without needing to go home for a nap.
It's the reason they drove instead of using their ecologically conscious feet. The energy boost from the car is necessary. :(
Ziggy chugs some pepper punch and calls up one of his lady friends for an aspiration boost. He's not used to working so hard, after all. He needs a break.
"Hey lady, I'm thinkin' I could stir a little syrup in your batter."
"Ooh, with a rock-hard body like that, how can I say no?"
It would be uncharitable of me to speculate that Ziggy enjoys the company of older women for their poor eyesight.
While Ziggy is on his date, Pants shocks me by rolling this fear, and then rolling it away like a second later. I thought this was only a Family sim fear!
You may recall that Pants does have a girlfriend, of sorts. I never thought they were all that serious. On the other hand, she did get him THIS.
Bust of Tylopeda: If anyone tries to hollow me out to store Mighty Suspicious Plants in me, I swear I will sprout arms to call the cops.
Well, at least if she moved in she might stop trying to do this.
So Pants calls up his girlfriend Wayve Ryder and tells her that he suddenly has a burning desire to have her move in.
And she agrees.
Well, at least she has some useful stuff in her pants.
Wayve is sloppy and lazy, but because everyone else is even more sloppy and lazy, she seems industrious in comparison.
And so she takes her place in the commune, doing her share of necessary tasks, by which I mean blowing bubbles all day and all night.
Yeah, now it's really starting to look like a commune around here! This kind of overstuffed living arrangement is rather antithetical to the BACC ideal in which you want the greatest number of households possible, but I don't care, because it is funny.
Ziggy and his nephew/protegé are still busy with the "special garden."
Murphy goes along to Check Your Head to learn the ropes of providing the community with this needed commodity.
"Here you go, man, the finest selection of medical-grade cannabubble. You DO have glaucoma, right?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever."
Every once in a while, a customer can't wait until he gets home to sample his purchase, and gets a little silly. Otherwise, this seems to be a can't-fail business model.
oh crap
I knew they should have painted over those windows!
"Huh. A hidden back room covered in black lights, beads, and psychedelic posters, with just barely legal paraphernalia on display."
"...Everything looks in order here to me."
"Don't you worry about the fuzz busting Ziggy's bubble store?"
"Not really."
When he isn't being a junior pusher in training, Murphy rolls the want to Go Out almost every single night. So he heads out with his bud Jasper Straw in a car that Jasper's family does not own to a mysterious destination. Um... there's the park, but they probably aren't going fishing every night until midnight. They can't afford the entrance fee to Jazz In Your Pants or the karaoke club. I can only conclude that they are having a rollicking good time down at the Llama Mart. (Maybe freestyling is involved.)
Meanwhile his sister is busy meeting all the little girls in town.
Interestingly, Lucky Clover has come over several times to play tag and Mary Mack. You'd think her parents wouldn't want her hanging out with riffraff like this. Maybe that's why she does it!
Teehee, this picture never gets old.
Note to self, looks like Lucky's eyes are dark blue after all.
Pants and Wayve are spending all their time in the back of the van lately, resulting in Wayve suddenly having the voms. She had to throw up three or four times, and every time she got up, slowly strolled up the stairs, and lazily loped into the bathroom. She is beyond "chilled out" and verging on "mononucleosis."
She then goes into the kids' room, lies down on the teenage boy's bed, and daydreams about Ziggy.
I cannot say that I understand Wayve.
But Ziggy likes where her mind is going!
The nice thing about a pregnant Ippie is that all you have to do is feed them pepper punch. They don't need any other food because they're so lazy, but they won't sleep for a million years either, and then they are free to spend all day on the bubble blower as usual. Which is totally good for the baby!
Wayve still sneaks some snacks when I am not looking.
Seriously, why? There is NO WINTER here. No one has EVER gone fishing on this lot. (The Ippies are respectful of their friends the fishes.)
But they are also susceptible to the wiles of a cute penguin. Much like myself.
I've never had this guy pee on my lots. He knows I am his friend! <3
And as the week ends, it's starting to look very commune-like around here. Everyone runs around doing their own thing, making terrible art, relaxing, talking about important stuff like hiding your stash from the pigs...
...experiencing childhood for the first time, experiencing childhood for the second time...
...practicing Free Love in front of the outhouse.
Stay classy, Ziggy.
Discussion Questions:
• Did you ever read Walden Two? Wasn't it kind of creepy?
• I knew this kid who deferred law school for a year so he could go live at Twin Oaks, then I heard he ended up liking it so much he stayed another year. Do you think he is a lawyer now?
• Seriously, why does anyone ever think their patchouli is fooling the rest of us?
Weekly Stats-o-rama
Taxes collected this week: $3500 + $1650 for lv. 5 biz + $2100 for lv. 5 biz = $7,250
Households: 8
Playable sims: 33 + 2 (Adara, Wayve) = 35
Sim modifier: 4 + 5 for ZOMGbiz district!!! = 9
Population: 315
Earned ZOMGbusiness districts!!! = 1
Player-owned businesses:
1. Jazz In Your Pants (Clover, lv. 9)
2. Diz Asters (Swizzlestick, lv. 10)
3. If It's Brown, Chow Down! (Ippie, lv. 5)
4. Worth A Straw Produce Stand (Straw, lv. 9)
5. Bodysnark Gym (Sirkus, lv. 5)
6. A Thousand Cuts (LaBrah, lv. 6)
7. Okey-Dokey...Karaoke (Jygglefysiks, lv.5)
8. Llamazing Dairy Barn (Del Llama, lv. 5)
9. BookPlates (Snackcake, lv. 10)
10. Sweet Cuppin' Cakes (Snackcake, lv. 3)
11. Check Your Head (Ippie, lv. 5)
Free community lots: (2 earned)
1. Llama Mart
2. Ungulate Park
Total community lots: 13
Earned CAS sims: 13 + 5 for ZOMGbiz district!!! - 11 placed = 7 available
Business: UNLOCKED to all sims!
Criminal: 1 opening
Culinary: 1 opening (Cria Del Llama)
Edumacation: 1 opening
Law Enforcement: 1 opening
Music: UNLOCKED to all sims!
Nat Sci: 1 opening (for lv. 5 flower business) (umm maybe the Ippie business counts as a "nursery"? lolol)
Slacker: 1 opening (Ziggy Ippie)
Fires what count: 3!
Burglaries: zero
Electrocutions: 1
Total taxes so far this rotation: $26,300 + 7250 = $33,550
Total taxes so far collected: $69,750 + 33,550 = $103,300
Challenge outlook: Legalize it!