Back again for a short visit to the household of Grover Clover, jazz club mogul and fake romance sim, and his newly-moved in fiancée, the athletic and fortune-minded Picadilly Sirkus.
Picadilly has been working up an appetite looking at the sales figures from her new business.
"I would murder a man for a grilled cheese sandwich right now."
Uh, you won't have to--he's doing it himself.
So that's three fires, finally unlocking fire and burglar alarms AND a spot in the Law Enforcement career!
me: *dance*
Grover: *sprinkler dance*
SimCity can no longer deny the need for more local police and fire protection on Llama Island!, so they provide them with a local station house. Lucky Officer Dangeresque doesn't have to wander the streets getting pranked all day; now he has a place to sit around drinking coffee, scarfing donuts, and looking at lad mags! (...He'll probably still wander the streets getting pranked.)
I couldn't find a fire house so I guess they're, uh, around the back.
"You know what, forget the sandwich. I'll have a salad instead."
Wedding etiquette tip o' the day: guests prefer food choices which are not currently on fire.
For yes indeed, today is the day that Grover and Picadilly are to be hitched. It's the social event of the season!
"I was invited! Were YOU invited, Granny Newspaper Molester?"
"Go jump in the lake, whippersnapper."
...Pre-wedding jitters? Or maybe that salad wasn't so fresh.
Regardless, the wedding went off just as planned.
Heyhey Shrouda Guy: "I was invited! Were YOU invited, white chair?"
White Chair: I am not even going to dignify that with a response.
I have to say that even though it is just a stupid strip of completely plain blue pixels, I always feel like the sim ocean looks so nice and soothing and picturesque. It makes a nice backdrop for a wedding.
The wedding guests who bothered to watch the wedding agreed.
Dude playing pool: "Seeing my best friend joined in holy matrimony is MUCH less important than hitting the corner pocket!"
Interesting. They can certainly afford it, and I'd be okay with this if it weren't for Picadilly's very mysterious illness of mystery.
Why did I know you'd be a cake smasher, Grover?
Everyone looked a bit stiff and awkward here, as if they're remembering the last time they all got blasted out here it didn't end so well. Not that it stopped any of them from getting blasted yet again.
Silly me. I didn't know that installing Bon Voyage made the honeymoon limo vanish completely; I thought it still came if you didn't have a "real" honeymoon scheduled. Nope! The newlyweds spent their honeymoon eating stale cake in the backyard.
Picadilly: braaaaaaaaaaaaaap
Balloons: *pop*
Picadilly's hair: I am the result of the thorough and exacting QA at EA Games.
Grover didn't mind. He used the time profitably to take advantage of the new increase in police presence!
"Finally, all of my amazing stuff is safe from all the people who want to steal my stuff because it is so amazing."
I'm surprised there haven't been any burglaries in the hood yet. Sure, there aren't a lot of computers and fancy TVs, but it's not like sim burglars are actually picky. There are plenty of chairs and Renu-Yu orbs to go around!
So this photo looks sweet. Getting aspiration points for a tender moment with his preggie wife. I wonder what Grover is thinking about?
what is this I don't even
Well maybe you should have thought about that before you kicked them out of the house to live in poverty!
WHAT. After all the arguing and slapping, how did you not... you know, maybe this will make some people feel bad for you, Grover. But NOT ME.
At least he's stopped wanting to be her "best friend" again. >:(
Just go make money or something, jerkbag.
Oh, we added another instrument to make Jazz In Your Pants the true bastion of culture it was always meant to be. The magical rays of music appreciation that it beams outward to the community make Llama Island! the newest hotspot for musicians in the SimCity area, like Gramps McNotalent And His Notalent Players!
Gramps McNotalent: "Swing it, cats!"
The Notalent Players: *various noises one associates with broken machinery and ducks with medical issues*
So avant-garde! And the Music career is henceforth unlocked to all sims!
The place makes money hand over fist, but it still can't crack the Level 10 ceiling. Maybe next time.
...This is the greatest food ever for pregnant sims. Has anyone made an edible jar of pickles? Then we'd be all set.
Picadilly goes into labor in the living room, so Grover rushes in to make sure her water isn't breaking all over his expensive TV, and some random walkby... uh, well, I don't know why she's there.
I may have to change my eye defaults. I like these nice simple ones, but it is sometimes impossible for me to tell the difference between dark and light blue eyes. I don't know which Picadilly or her baby have.
Anyway, it's a girl, and her name is Lucky. And she certainly is lucky, born into the richest household in town.
Random walkby: "What, no free cigars and champagne? I'm outta here."
Grover: "...I don't feel I am getting my money's worth out of that home security system."
Picadilly sheds the baby weight in .000001 seconds and is back to her taut, tight bod and full of energy. So realistic, amirite ladies??
So she heads down to the Bodysnark Gym to make some dough and to beat the dough off the bodies of the local citizens.
Rufus: "Waaaaaah! I'll never be as fit as this lady who just gave birth like an hour ago!"
Eh, you might be, actually. They don't gain body points, but I have noticed that the townies are starting to become Fit as they work out here.
Gramps McPrankerson: "Ho ho! Looks like someone cut a muffin while they were trying to lose their muffin top!"
Aaaaargh. This guy is still a complete pranking menace--on every business lot he goes around farting on people until they lose stars. I kind of love him
I figured out that Picadilly can get people to use the pool if she jumps in and then Asks them to Join. But they don't stay in for very long and they don't seem to like it any better than using the exercise equipment, so whatever.
While we wait for the blah blah babies boring blah birthday, this is as good a time as any to complain explain something: you see that strip of sky that is in the top of a lot of my indoor photos? That isn't there when I take the photo. I don't know why, but really frequently when I take a photo, there will be like a half-inch of stuff at the top that wasn't there when I took the shot. So if you see sky, or plumbbobs, or aspiration thingies up there just barely poking into the shot and looking dumb, there is a really good chance it's not my fault.
It isn't even constant, so if I try to pre-correct for it, I end up chopping people's heads off. >:(
Anyway. Lucky got her mom's active and playful points, but she's also outgoing and rather grouchy (3 nice). I've seen 3 nice points go either way; we'll see if she ends up a rich spoiled bratty princess or not.
Not an auspicious beginning.
Sorry, kid, mommy and daddy are busy!
Since Picadilly has the hots for buff guys in their swim shorts, when Grover puts his on they have the only three-bolt attraction in the neighborhood so far.
"I'm ready to go again if you are, tiger."
"...I never getting out of dis fwiggin cwib, am I."
I keep hoping one day I'll see the toddler sneaking out of the crib animation. But no, they just sit there picking their noses. Still never seen it!
That had BETTER be from your wife, bucko.
Nosy Mail Lady: "Yow, another steamy love note! I bet--AAAAAAA!"
Townie girl: "Oh, not again. For the last time, I am NOT topless!"
I put in new default shirts and now whenever this girl shows up on a lot and I see her out of the corner of my eye, I think she's half-naked. >_<
Not much happened the rest of the week. Lucky did toddler stuff.
Lucky: "I claim dis lucky wabbit foot in da name of Lucky!"
Bunnybear: This was NOT in my contract.
I grew her up as fast as possible on sunday night so that she'd get to go home on the bus with other kids. She looks a LOT like dad, and like her half-sister that we Do Not Talk About.
Here is a better picture of the Bizarro Nose that she and Lolly both have. It must be Grover's, but it doesn't look anything like his moderately stabby schnoz. ???
And that is the end of the week at the Clover household.
Bunnybear: And now she wears the heads of my comrades as trophies! The union will hear about this!
Weekly Stats-o-rama
Taxes collected this week: $5000 + $3900 for lv. 9 biz + $3100 for lv. 5 biz = $12,000
Households: 8
Playable sims: 32 + 1 (Lucky) = 33
Sim modifier: 4 + 5 for ZOMGbiz district!!! = 9
Population: 297
Earned ZOMGbusiness districts!!! = 1
Player-owned businesses:
1. Jazz In Your Pants (Clover, lv. 9)
2. Diz Asters (Swizzlestick, lv. 10)
3. If It's Brown, Chow Down! (Ippie, lv. 5)
4. Worth A Straw Produce Stand (Straw, lv. 9)
5. Bodysnark Gym (Sirkus, lv. 5)
6. A Thousand Cuts (LaBrah, lv. 6)
7. Okey-Dokey...Karaoke (Jygglefysiks, lv.5)
8. Llamazing Dairy Barn (Del Llama, lv. 5)
9. BookPlates (Snackcake, lv. 10)
10. Sweet Cuppin' Cakes (Snackcake, lv. 3)
Free community lots: (2 earned)
1. Llama Mart
2. Ungulate Park
Total community lots: 12
Earned CAS sims: 12 + 5 for ZOMGbiz district!!! - 11 placed = 6 available
Business: UNLOCKED to all sims!
Criminal: 1 opening
Culinary: 1 opening (Cria Del Llama)
Edumacation: 1 opening
Law Enforcement: 1 opening
Music: UNLOCKED to all sims!
Slacker: 1 opening (Ziggy Ippie)
Fires what count: 3!
Burglaries: zero
Electrocutions: 1
Total taxes so far this rotation: $14,300 + 12,000 = $26,300
Total taxes so far collected: $69,750 + 26,300 = $96,050
Challenge outlook: Excelsior!