May 31, 2003 22:49
I don't have a hell of alot of time for entries lately but bub is asleep...and I am awake, so now is my chance.
Went to see the Matrix the other night, which was a big night out for me.Charlotte is 6 weeks old now & going to the movies ment I had to spend 4 hours away from her while she stayed home with her dad & that is the longest time we have spent apart since she was born.
I loved the film, pretty dam good for a sequel of a film that would be very hard to top, at the end of the movie I bolted home to feed charlotte, I almost had an anxiety attack because I felt the need to get home to her.I don't know how I will cope with returning to work when she is 7 months old, I don't want to leave her.I thought I could do it but if finances allowed I would much rather stay home with her until she is older....but.....we just can't afford it :(
also thanks to everyone who responded to my birth story, sorry I haven't had a chance to write back.I may get there still though.I have a little more time these days.