i love inside jokes. i'd love to be a part of one someday.

Oct 08, 2006 22:09

It turns out that when you go out of town for just a couple of days you get really behind on tv!


Well, that was lame. I mean, the intro was a mindfuck, but it was pretty much downhill from there. That is, with the exception of a few hilarious moments, namely: Jack running into the invisible plexiglass wall; Juliet's "i didn't make it, i just put the toothpicks in."; and Sawyer winning the fish biscuit (FISH BISCUIT!).

When did Jack become such a CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER, eh? I know he's always had a few screws loose, but man, this episode he was just ALL CRAZY ALL THE TIME. What is up, duderino? I know you are tired and stressed out and being held prisoner, but that does not excuse your flashback behavior, you creepy stalker.

Hey, i really liked Juliet! When i first saw the new cast member announcement, i was all "ugh, LOVE INTEREST?" (because we really need more of those!) and was basically very annoyed with the lameosity. But she was neat! And she punched Jack in the FACE! So there's that. (Note to one dearest anonymous commenter: i do not loathe all alternate love interests for Jack and Kate! Only the ones who are ANNOYING AND TERRIBLE.)

Aaanywhoozles, i wish more had happened. There are other characters besides Jack, Kate, and Sawyer who we need updates on! Like, i don't know, DESMOND. FOR EXAMPLE.


I've been watching this with my family because i've got nothing better to do. It's not very, you know, good, but it's okay enough to keep my interest (apocalypse stories, YEAH!). It's sort of like an unhealthy snack that doesn't satisfy your hunger or anything but there's nothing else around to eat and you like it well enough while you're eating it so you'll just keep eating it until it makes you feel gross and sick and you're turned off of it forever. I haaaaaaate that blonde chick, but i totally ship Skeet and brown-haired teacher lady (HA HA I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER THEIR NAMES BUT I SHIP THEM). Oh, okay, Jake and Heather. Thanks, imdb! They are so early Jack and Kate it's not even funny. (do i have a pattern? it's... hard... to tell...) They do that whole "hey, are you alright?" gravitating toward each other thing and it's cute! Like when he found her in the mine. And he stole food off her plate at the end of the episode and that was toooootally Jack and Kate when Hurley gave everybody the hatch food! So anyway, that is both enjoyable and kind of makes me sad for when Jack and Kate were... good. Or at least had scenes together. I don't know, this Lost season premiere made me feel like i can't even ship them anymore. I'm sick of the love triangle crap and she's going off with Sawyer anyway so i just... don't care. LOVE TRIANGLES HAVE BROKEN MY SPIRIT.

The Office

Except, uh, about that whole love triangles thing, just, you know... exclude this show from that. HI, THOUSANDS OF LOVE INTERESTS AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH ANY OF THEM. Dude, i love that Karen has a little crush on Jim, because it feels so completely organic. Same with Toby and Pam. It just makes SENSE. Like, yeah, you would totally get a soft spot for the hot guy who you tease for being bad at video games, and Toby would totally think the pretty receptionist is A-OK because she is quiet and caring and maybe a bit downtrodden just like him. And then there is Roy, coming upstairs to get sodas several times a day but not to see Pam or anything! OH, ROY, YOU AND YOUR HOT BEARD. I just don't GET how this show is so freaking well-done that there is no relationship that i find contrived and annoying. I mean, COME ON! What is up with being all subtle and naturalistic? You're a network television show, GET WITH THE PICTURE. Be more obnoxious!

Anyway, i really adore that Jim and Pam are separately doing their own thing, it's the best way things could have gone down after last season. If Pam had called off the wedding and Jim were still around there'd be all that pressure to start something right away and it would just be too much too soon. Now there's so much more time for them to grow on their own without it seeming completely false that they're not jumping each other's bones this very instant. AND IMAGINE HOW AMAZING IT WILL BE WHEN THEY DO SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN. (which makes me think of Tim and Dawn in the Christmas special and that initial awkwardness and not really knowing what to do but then falling back into the old rhythm and !!!!)

I can't get over Michael's look of PURE JOY after he said "does he transfer the monkey to another branch?" with his realization of the pun he made. OH MICHAEL. Also, "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR REAL" and the look on Jim's face was so awesome i was dying. And also Pam getting new clothes! Paaaaaam! And Kelly! Ryan's expression while watching Dwight groveling on the floor of Michael's office! Dwight at the end wearing the "LIAR" sign! Michael loves Entourage! OH MAN IT'S JUST TOO MUCH. I LOVE THIS SHOW.

Battlestar Galactica

That was... a lot of stuff going on!

Kara killing Leoben (FOR THE FIFTH TIME!) was completely awesome. One of my favorite parts of the opening montage was her picking the fork prong; it was such a delicately sinister little gesture. Hey guess what! Kara is pretty.

On a completely opposite note, i can't stand to look at fat Lee. I really can't. In a towel! OH GOD NOT A TOWEL. MADE ONLY TINIER BY HIS FATNESS AND NOT BY HIS HOTNESS. I can only picture him flouncing around saying "real men have curves!" Whining about his day and eating bonbons! (AND WATCHING HIS STORIES I CAN ONLY ASSUME!) Ha ha, apparently in my mind Lee being fat also makes him a girl.

At least Helo is still hot, so there's that! And BEARDED CHIEF! (what is up with beards on certain fellas being superhot? EH?) And also HELLO GAETA. When he was talking to Chief outside in his coat and with his longer hair! FELIX YOU SLY FOX. I am so glad he was the informant- which was obvious from the get-go anyway, but whew. It made me sad finding out he was working for Gaius last season. Additionally, i find it amusing that original Galactica!Sharon is now a leader of the Cylons, while original Caprica!Sharon who was working with the Cylons is now officially a crewmember of Galactica. I no longer entirely despise Ellen Tigh with the fire of a thousand suns, which i find vaguely unsettling but mostly i'm okay with it. Saul is an AWESOME PIRATE.

Roslin, i love you, don't get shot! Go be quippy with Tom Zarek some more!

I have said it before and i will say it again: whenever i think this show can't get any bleaker, it DOES. In season one, i was all "man, this is BAD! END OF THE WORLD!", and then season two came along. So in season two i was all "okay, shit, this is REALLY BAD!", and now season three is here. Suicide bombings and orders of mass execution! Hey, it's WORSE!

I miss Kara and Lee piloting Vipers. The end!

Grey's Anatomy

My parents DVR-d this bitch and it screwed up, so we missed half of the episode and i had to download and rewatch. Which was annoying watching it the first time, but upon second viewing without missing whole chunks it made me quite happy.

I LOVE ALEX. He stole George's superhero rationale and he lost at a pain threshold contest to a little girl and he comforted Izzie and i love him. I am still shipping him with Izzie, but i must admit that i would NOT AT ALL BE OPPOSED to Alex/Addison. Because Mark doesn't really do anything for me and Addison is so awesome i want to ship her with someone awesome. And Alex is the viably awesome option! Soooooooo, Izzie/Alex/Addison threesome, yes? Yes.

George needs to stop being a dick about Callie. :/

When Meredith said "I want to feel like a FRICKIN LADY!" i actually LIKED HER. In fact, i kind of loved her! For that brief moment! Because the way she said it was hilarious and great. I also loved the song over the ending scenes (this show has such good music choices!) and Cristina making Burke fix the chickens (YAY).

Gilmore Girls

I have actually really enjoyed these first two episodes. Last season pretty much blew and i wasn't caring much, but suddenly i am loving Luke and Lorelai again (don't be frustratingly dumb assholes, kids, it's bad for a show!) and, you know... stuff! I loved Liz pointing out what everyone with half a brain watching has been saying all along: that Luke and Lorelai not talking or being in the same place or generally being a COUPLE wasn't good or normal at all. And now it's just so sad! Luke saying Lorelai will go back to being Lorelai and he'll go back to being the coffee guy and that will be that made me want to CRY. Because it was always supposed to be more than that. And then they DID get to be more than that and it didn't work and, just... GOD. DAMMIT. IT HAS TO WORK.

The lame thing is that, since they hooked up, i have only really cared about L/L when they are broken up (WHY WERE THEY SO NOT INTERESTING TOGETHER?!?), so after the season premiere was the most i have cared about them in a LONG time. Seriously, i went back and watched the first kiss and crappy youtube music videos and reminisced and was in a very L/L place again. It was kind of strange, but not in a bad way! It's just so awful that they somehow started sucking SO BAD when post-s4 had been the best time EVER. EVEREVEREVER. "Would you just hold still?" AJGHDJHJ!@^*!%!!^*&! I have watched that scene a grand total of about fifty thousand times and it still never gets old. AT ALL. I MISS THOSE DAYS.

I really wish i didn't hate Christopher so much. I used to LOVE HIM because it was so tragic that he and Lorelai clicked so well and knew each other so well but the situation never ever worked out and Chris continually fucked it up and it was SAD! But that ship has sailed for so long i think it has gone around the world and back like six times and now Christopher just comes across as a massive TOOL. In conclusion, that opening scene was frickin awesome.

LANE! PREGNANT! WTF! I really don't like thinking about girls at my age and my maturity level being married and pregnant. It gives me an uncomfortableness.

KIRK DRESSED LIKE LUKE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA. I am not sure if that is as good as or better than Jess dressed like Luke. I am thinking not quite as good, because... Jess dressed like Luke. JESS. Oh man, just remembering that! COMEDY.

Lorelai's Asia trip was completely awesome (oh Lorelai! you are still the best wackiest mom ever except for sometimes with the fuckedupedness!) and they should totally keep the house decorated like that.


lost, jericho, the office, grey's anatomy, battlestar galactica, gilmore girls

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