Behind the Music

Nov 03, 2004 23:01

Aww, Charlie! It was so sad that he used to be the religious, good, moral guy. His descent, it just... it made me sad. And he looked so cute, in those first flashback scenes, with the scarf and the corduroy jacket! Cute little religious Charlie. He just loved the muuuuuusic. All the moth imagery was a BIT heavy-handed, but... eh, whatever. This whole show is pretty heavy-handed, i don't mind. Hey, how much do you wanna bet people have already started writing Charlie/Liam fanfic? TEN BUCKS. It was depressing when Charlie went back to Liam and he was clean family guy and the band had long since broken up. Poooooor Charlie.

I like the love square! A LOT. Sawyer waving goodbye to Jack(-o!) in the beginning scene cracked me up. Sawyer, in general, cracks me up. Except for when he's SAD! Dude, when Kate was all "why would i care about anything you have to say?", he looked so hurt. Same with when he was talking to Kate about Jack. Pooooooor Sawyer. Uh, and, uhm, shirtless? ... Uhm. Yeah. WELL. Then. There's that. HOO. Thanks guys! WEEKLY NUDITY ROCKS. Anyway, there sure was a lot of Kate/Sawyer! She's so outright mean to him, it's almost like "jeeeeeeeez, lady. He just wants you to like him!" AND. The Kate/Sayid, with him acting all protective when he left her with Sawyer! Aww. AND. The Kate/Jack! Oh, Kate/Jack. They hugged! HUGGED!! She, like, practically pounced on him! And held on for dear life! And hurt his arm! This is going to be annoying, but i'm going to say it anyway: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! So cute. So pretty. So cute and pretty. And even afterward, the way she kept staring at him... i liked that. Nothing like mortal peril to make 'ships all cute and stuff. Dude, when Sawyer told her that Jack was dead (and the WAY he told her- oh, Sawyer. You bastard.), how she panicked, it was so sad. Oh, and the sling! When she put the sling on him. Aww. Again. Some more. Hey, SHUT UP. And the first scene! He was totally gonna steal that mugshot to hang over his bunk bed in his cave for when Kate isn't around. And he would braid Hurley's hair and talk about how super and pretty he thinks his girlfriend is and how much he can't wait till she visits the cave again. PILLOW FIGHT! I liked "I just don't understand why you won't come to the caves with me. ... With us." HAHA, NICE ONE.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SAYID?!?!? I mean... WHAT??!>?>!?>@ I don't get it. It couldn't have been Sawyer who hit him, right? Because Sawyer had to have set off the rocket. RIGHT? WHAT THE SHIT. I don't know. It was still probably Sawyer. Everybody else was accounted for, weren't they? Oh wait, i know! IT WAS CLAIRE.

Michael was in construction! Heeyyyy. Pretty handy. I liked the looks between him and Sun. Uh oh, secret connection! And hey, Booooooone and Shannon! Actually in the episode, good for them.

The preview for next week BLEW MY MIND. Torturing Sawyer! Kissing Kate! OH MOTHERFUCK. CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT.

Also? I'm worried that i already know what the deal is with Sawyer. REALLY worried. Because i remember reading something about Lost waaaaay a long time ago, just the general descriptions of some of the characters, and ever since the pilot, i... feel like i know who Sawyer is. I hope i'm remembering wrong and actually have no idea and didn't read anything of the sort, but this thought got into my head SOMEHOW, and it fits. Crap. NO SPOILERS!

Oh, and i watched Gilmore Girls. Last night i was watching some pesky election (*@^%$&#*@^$**^!%#) that got in the way.

Luke was adorable around Emily and Richard- when Emily asked him about being divorced, the look on his face... oh man, that was some funny shit. Except, uh, WHATTHEFUCK, since when does Emily not like Luke? Um, NO. She was a Luke/Lorelai shipper, remember? Guys? Hello? She was supposed to be happy about Luke and Lorelai finally coming to their senses. Man. I do NOT like this whole "he's beneath her" crap. Shit no.

I actually kind of liked the secret society. Fancy, old-fashioned weirdness, it's cool. And... i liked Logan. Iiiiiiiiii don't know, he's cute and charismatic, or something. I liked how he got along with Rory. (except he's a rich jerk and Marty's better, oh no!) But eh, he's more interesting than Dean. Although next week looks kind of sad, with Rory being all snooty and upper-class.

And finally, Lane/Zack! SOCUTE! I loved Zack's "i'm ready now." Him needing time to process it was adorable. And their "date" being so awkward but then ending up happy, and having to get Brian out of the way (aww!) and the holding hands and the kissing! I loved Zack carrying Brian out of Lane's room, it was one of those sweet boy things that i always loved about them before. CUTECUTECUTE.

lost, gilmore girls

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