
Jan 04, 2004 01:41

Iconses: lecherous!Vaughn (ha ha! dirty boy.), Nathaaaan and Giiiiinaaaa (aww!), S/V (dammit, another manip that might be cool to make art out of, except... i'm lazy. But i like the manip. SKANKY!), and Saaaaam. 48 icons! I've almost filled up all the spaces! It's about damn time.

I finally, finally watched Serenity on my Firefly dvds tonight. Wheeee! It's so... so... SHINY. I think one of my favorite things is Jayne/Kaylee. Just because. But then also Mal/Kaylee. And Kaylee/Serenity. Kaylee/strawberry. And also Simon/River, cause... yeah. When she first comes out of the box, and Simon's voiceover with all the prettiness. Uh huh. Dude, i soooo need to cap because there is soooo much pretty. I also need to watch more, a lot, but then, i have TEN BILLION (yes, that's the official count) other dvds to watch too. Just as damn classes are starting up again. AGGHHH. That? Is not shiny.


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