if you'll be my bodyguard i can be your long lost pal

Dec 03, 2012 21:20

GILLIAN LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER SEASON!!!!!!!!!!! ADHGFJSGFJSF I was really confused about whether they were killing her off or not, because it would have been a poetic justice kind of ending for her, but if it had been a fatal overdose i’m pretty sure she would have been at least unconscious if not already dead by the time Nucky and Eli found her. DYING OR JUST HIGH, I CAN’T TELL. But Terence Winter confirmed she’s alive and i’m dancing in the street, aww yeeeeaaahhhh. I love that the happiest i can be about this show is a character i like not dying. hahahaha the joke is that this is the most miserable show in existence

But seriously her stuff with Gyp was amazing just in terms of her shrewdness, and ugh the scenes with Tommy and Nucky were heartbreaking. I loved the look on Nucky's face as he realized what she was saying, that confusion that sort of slowly transformed into horror. Gillian's relationship with Nucky is one of the few contexts in which i'm actually interested in Nucky and i wish we got to see them interact more, because who they are to each other is so weird and tense and fraught with how much he ruined her life in both the distant and recent past and how little he's even aware of that fact.

Oh man RICHARD'S RAMPAGE. THAT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. This show has always made me giddy about massive amounts of horrific violence and bloodshed, so between the intro montage and the Artemis Club shootout and the massacre of Masseria's men (hehehe Rampagin' Richard and the Masseria Massacre) i was so delighted. It's pretty sick. The thing is i love excessive fictional gore so to combine that with something as beautiful as the aesthetic of this show, it just... it makes me so happy. And the Richard shootout was SO BEAUTIFUL in addition to being the perfect action movie setup and the perfect payoff for not having seen his skills for almost the entire season. That final shot to save Tommy was the most badass thing in the universe. Let's not talk about how terrified i was that they might actually kill Tommy. D: And i'm so sad about Julia but at least it was open-ended. Like okay she knows he's involved in some horrible stuff and he doesn't want to get her into that so he'll stay away, but they still have LOVE! IT'LL ALL WORK OUT IN THE END. BLOOD WASHES OFF, IT'S FINE

I figured going into this that Margaret would be getting an abortion, so i wasn't surprised at that, just mind-numbingly sad. I mean realistically that's what i wanted her to do, but emotionally it’s just... SO... SAD... because now everything about the future she almost had is truly gone. REMEMBER WHEN MARGARET WAS HAPPY FOR LIKE FIVE SECONDS, WASN’T IT GREAT??!!? And wow, that ending. Her leaving Nucky is AMAAAAAAAAZING but it also makes me worried that they're gonna have problems working her into the show. Then again, there are always really disparate character threads going on and i guess it wouldn't be any more of a stretch than the Van Alden storyline these days.

BTW i really need to remember to never read comments outside of Tumblr and the AV Club because the entire greater population of BE viewers hates Margaret. Like just incessant commenting that she’s a shrew and a nuisance and insufferable and boring and whiny and JESUS, i realize it’s the whole Skyler White/Betty Draper hate-the-wife-for-her-legitimate-troubles phenomenon, but it’s like... how do you even watch a show like that? How can you be so blind to feeling sympathy for a character who is actually portrayed in an emotionally nuanced and CANONICALLY SYMPATHETIC light? I DON’T GET IT. I mean, i get it, misogyny, but. I don’t get it. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER COULD HATE KELLY’S FACE ANYWAY?????? sob

When Gyp was on the beach at the end going completely off the rails (WHAT. IS WITH. THAT GUY.) all i could think was "WHY ISN'T HE DEAD YET, WHY ISN'T HE DEEEEEEEEAD" and was praying for a random act of violence to take him by surprise, so i was incredibly relieved when that's exactly what happened. I really wish Gillian had succeeded at taking him out though. :( Oh also, speaking of comment sections, i glanced at the comments on ew.com and there are people who are upset that Gyp died? Like comparing-it-to-Jimmy’s-death level of upset about it???? HOW???? WHO???? WHAT?????

I was really into how all the who's-screwing-over-whom machinations shook out with backstabbings (haha, figurative AND literal!) left and right, and i felt pretty bad for Lucky. The defeated look on his face when he found out Rothstein was the one behind his bust and everyone in the room was treating him like a kid throwing a temper tantrum was really sad. And it's not even really my thing but if there's one dudeslash pairing to ship on this show it's definitely Luciano/Lansky. They're basically married!

A big part of me is just sad that this season is over since this is pretty legit my favorite show at the moment and it seems like it just started and i miss it already and WHAT DO I DO NOW??? Well, i mean, i'm gonna rewatch s2 when i get it on blu-ray for Christmas, and i have a million Kelly Macdonald movies at the top of my Netflix queue (aw yeah i already started the annual Boardwalk actor movie binge. Charlie Cox has been in practically zero things i want to see so i watched the joy and delight that is Stardust and then two other mediocre movies and NOW WHAT!!!!!!!)* but it's not the same, my tv obsessions never last when there aren't new episodes airing every week. :(

*i'd be lying if i said i didn't have some AU Margaret/Owen picspams kicking around in my head. noooooooo, so embarrassing, what's wrong with meeeeee

boardwalk empire

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